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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



 Legacy,  there's power in your name.  Power in your name. Marriott is the last  name,  Maybach is the last name, Nordstrom is the last name,  Pillsbury is a last name, Porsche is the  last name,  proctor and gamble two last names, rolls  Royce, Charles rose, Henry Royce, last  names,  turner broadcast system ted turner last  name, Versace  last name, wells Fargo henry wells,  William Fargo last name, last name Wrigley's,  last name welch's grape juice last name.


Here you are you think you're buying a  product. You are not buying a product,  you're buying a name.  You think you're wearing a product. Hey,  look at this product. No, you're saying look at this family. And what you don't know is while you're making every family rich, you're making yourself broke.  So you know I went to one family called wells Fargo. And got two hundred thousand dollars. So you can go to another family called Roll Royce.  So you can give them money to get yourself a car. You can go back to the hood and see the joneses and say look at why like what I got.  Meanwhile, wells Fargo that family is sitting up being rich. And Harley Davidsons and rose weren't being rich. The Joneses are sitting there holding up. People stop saying look at what we did and we broke. 

What if I told you that your blessing is attached to your name. That part of the reason why you're not wealthy yet. It is cause you keep trying to make Yolanda wealthy.  You keep trying to make Tasha wealthy.  What if you made johnson's wealthy?  What if you started thinking about your kids? What if you started thinking about your legacy? What if God started dropping cannon and opening up windows of heaven? because now you're not just thinking about you but you're kingdom.

 There are some people who are attached to you, who say man can you do something with this name.  There are some people who are saying that can you do something with this name?  Maybe God gave you the name to change and reverse.  Some of the stuff that the name meant one day. I wish there was someone in this room that said my name might need one thing right now. But I promise after today this game getting ready to change.  I promise after today everybody's gonna want my last name.  I'm here to let you know you are a  cursed breaker.  you're thinking kingdom.  you are not just getting married you're breaking the curse, you are not just graduating from college you're breaking the curse, you are not just getting out of high school you're breaking a curse, you are not just saved you're breaking the curse, and everybody around you is about to be blessed because of what you are getting ready to do in your life.  

I don't know what my name meant before I  got here but I know, it's going to meet before I leave. You got a legacy. Power in your name.

A legacy is something that is passed down.  It is your mark, it is your footprint on the earth,  it is your contribution to the world. I don't care about legacy,  I'm single.  I don't care about legacy, I have no kids. I don't care about legacy, but my family never cared about me.  I don't care about them, my life is my own. I don't know why do I need to even think about legacy?  Well here's the thing, I  have to say to you the thing you need to know is this you are leaving a legacy whether you want to or not. everybody in this room is going to leave a legacy. the question is  are you going to be intentional about the legacy, you're leaving?  are you actually going to be intentional or are you just going to let anything be passed down, anything is given to others on your behalf?  don't let it be so.

 it's like this, this past weekend I went out to go preach and when I went to go preach I went into a city and I rented a car. when I went to the rental car they said go down it's going downstairs in the garage you can grab any car. when I went down, there were only two cars.  there was one car that looked like it wouldn't make it past Monday.  and then there was another car. so I went  to this car but when I got into the car  the car smelled like cigarette smoke. and  so I took off with the car because you know I'm just like hey you know let me get out of here and so I'm driving the car for a couple of days.  when I bring the car backdrop off the keys, they say hey you have any problems with cars. say no problem to the car.  they said all right cool. I leave and I looked  on my email and they billed me 350  dollars.

  How are you going to charge me? I never smoked a day in my life. they said sorry sir, you brought the car back to my life cigarette. I said no,  I didn't bring the car back tomorrow and  I said y'all brought me a car that's  my life cigarettes. they said, no. all we know is that you brought us a car with cigarettes so you have to pay the price. That is a picture of many of our lives. Some of us lived a life that stunk so bad.  and many of you are paying a price for a  life that you didn't live but somebody lived before you.  and they handed you down a name or a  life that stunk so bad that now you got to pay forever for it.

  And I'm here to let you know stop giving people this dirty, nasty, stinky life.  why don't you build a legacy? so when  somebody gets into the car of your life they want to say thank you instead of I can't believe what you did to me?  everybody here has struggled with an addiction that's not yours.  it was an addiction that your family didn't deal with. it was an addiction that your father just overlooked and so it got passed down to you.  and now you're struggling with this addiction. but truthfully if you track the addiction your father had it. and your grandfather had it. and your great-grandmother had it.  and your whole family had it. and because  they didn't deal with it, because they weren't thinking of legacy.  now you're driving in a car that you got to pay for and god is saying the bus stops here that this is it. I put you on the earth because you're about to stop some stuff.

  I know people who went to go buy a house.  when they went to go buy a house they saw that credit report .and the credit score was so jacked up.  and when they saw the report they realized that mama had given out their social security number to the whole family. and everybody doesn't really stop and didn't payback.  and everybody had electric bills and cell phones that don't even exist no more.  why because somebody didn't care about legacy? and they handed you a bill and now you can't walk in Canaan not because of your issues but because of some issues that were passed down. god, forbid you are sitting in this place saying I  don't care about legacy. you need to care about it.  because somebody's got to live in the life you have.

  you are passing something down whether  you want to or not.

  why are you the only one who knows how to make that apple pie everybody loved?  why are you the only one who knows?  so you mean to tell me can't nobody else make that sweet potato pie recipe but you? so you won't just die and you're not going to tell nobody what the secret was.  even colonel sin sanders left his secret.  now come on, now even colonel sanders said y'all make some good chicken but when I'm gone,  y'all gonna keep making it.     what I'm saying to you is why is it that you're the only one?  so you own all this real estate and you didn't share that with nobody. you're not going to tell nobody how to do that.  you don't only successful marriage in your family, you're not going to tell nobody. you're going to hoard this information.  so you can be the only one who wins, you have lost.

I'm telling you that you are going to have to look at your life and recognize that everything you are doing right now is having a major and great impact? if you're gonna leave a  legacy,  you're gonna have to remember how you started.  but focus on how you finish. I don't want you to forget how you started.  I don't want you to forget that my father wasn't there. I don't want you to forget some of the conditions that you were raised in. I don't want you to forget some of the rejection,  some of the pain. No. I absolutely want you to remember how you started but do not for one second let it dictate how you're going to finish.

  there's somebody instrumental I'm saying pastor, I don't understand.  I hear you but this sermon got me all messed up. I came I was feeling good and then you don't preach this sermon.  and now I'm thinking about the 60 years of my life I've wasted.  I think about the 60 years of hurt I caused. I'm thinking about the 60 years of stuff I did.  I got some college student who's sitting here saying pastor, I wish I heard this word in my junior year in high school. I wish I heard this word in my sophomore year in high school.  because I did some stuff as a sophomore that I'm still paying for now. I did some stuff as a senior that I'm still paying for now.  can I tell you something? your yesterday may have been jacked up but god knows how to take the old and make it new.

  I came to preach you somebody today and let you know, your first 60 years was jacked up with your next 60 days.  God says I will turn it into such impact, I will give it such greatness that you won't even remember some of the stuff that you jacked up. legacy is built now but experienced later.

 if you are going to leave a legacy,  you got to start building now. I'm talking to college students. Okay? don't wait. Oh, when I graduate in four years I'm just gonna live it up.  and then when I graduate I'm gonna be free. I'm gonna get serious about my life.  can I tell you something?  I know 40-year-olds who are living under the consequence of things they did from  18 to 22.  and they thought that when they left school that they left the issue, not realizing that the issue followed them all the way into their adulthood. 

 I'm telling you that right now you are a  builder. right now  you have to start building your life now.  you got to start building credit now. you got to start building your finances now. you got to think like a  farmer. a  farmer thinks sowing I'm sowing seeds.  realizing that I'm not gonna reap this until later.  your last name is bigger than your first name.  I don't care how you got your name but you need to be living for your last name.  your first name is about you but your last name is about us.    


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