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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s

I WILL PROVE MYSELF RIGHT! - EMPOWERING Motivational Speech for CHANGING your life

 I WILL PROVE MYSELF RIGHT! - EMPOWERING Motivational Speech for CHANGING your life

failure hell disappointment discomfort is a great learning tool and many people don't understand that you you know you got to take ownership of what's going on in your life when you're not where you want to be and you say it's because the boss doesn't like you or it's because the girl treated you this way or the guy did this like all those things you got to take ownership and if you're blaming all these other external things you're not going to make any changes and that's going to be a problem wishing says to your mind you haven't got a prayer but you might as well wish so when you say to the mind i wish i could it says yeah me too get over it when other people break and give up and stop i just don't right and it comes down to the story you tell yourself about yourself

change is really hard i don't think people realize how hard it is because often when they think of change they think about making positive changes and so you say to people well obviously making that change would improve your life so why is it so hard to do and the reason is because first of all change is hard because change involves loss so even though you might be moving to something better what you do lose is you lose the familiar you lose your comfort zone and a lot of us are very worried about going into a place of uncertainty a place that we haven't been before so some of us like sort of human nature would rather stay in the familiar place even if the familiar is miserable or unpleasant than to say i'm gonna risk something and go to this place that makes me really uncomfortable they can't tolerate the discomfort of the uncertainty the things i do in life most of life you're alone you may have a whole support group around you but up here you're alone most of the stuff i do i'm training for that one those moments when you start to dive back in the cellar of your mind and you're pulling out all these all these tactics all these mental tactics to get through this and no one's coming to save you and you get through that going into the darkness i think everybody is motivated by two different things one you have the beautiful things in your life uh the things that are going well the things that you're grateful for the things you're moving towards instead of a way you have a compelling vision of your future it's something that you're very excited about now the flip side of that equation are the things that people that doubt you it's haters it's things you're moving away from it's fear-based things it's something that you absolutely refuse to let happen one that is incredibly potent to me are the people that want to see me fail and i find in very acute moments the darkness serves you better every thought you think and every word you say form is a blueprint and your mind must work to make that blueprint real only execution matters burn that into your nervous system do whatever you need to do to remind yourself only execution matters when you're working on something you want to achieve you have got to stand up to that voice you got to sell yourself every day on your abilities on what you're doing on the goal that you want to reach you've got to sell yourself every day every day every day according to your level of belief it will manifest itself in what you're doing [Music] the worst thing in life that happens to a man that gets civilized because you lose the hunger for life you you you think you've arrived and once you have a i've arrived mentality that's my biggest fear is i get the point right i'm at that point where life has come to me and i have that feeling that i've arrived i now know my life for what i know it to be is over i cracked the code to human potential in myself so it's that quiet place it's that place by yourself it's those hours and years and decades by yourself in the grip of life when life has you by the throat and choking you out and you're sitting there calm because you're trying to figure it out you're not panicking you're not quitting you're not throwing in the towel you're saying there's a way around this [Music] thinking about it feeling good about it those are awesome but if you have a vision of something you're trying to do become whatever and you don't execute against it and i don't need you to want to build a big business what are you doing how do you define it what are your deliverables what are the metrics by which you're judging yourself and by the way if you don't want a grand goal you don't need one but then say what i'm trying to do is get centered i'm trying to experience happiness even that you can begin to look at ways that you can improve that whatever we have right now whatever we're demonstrating in our lives is a result of what we believe subconsciously that we deserve and part of increasing that belief level is that you have got to convince yourself every day you can learn all the techniques in the world if you don't believe in yourself it won't happen for you right now between me and the person i want to be between you and the person you want to be there is a gap of skill set and that's it but once you know your mission and once you believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to then you can do the extraordinary  


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