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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s

THIS IS YOUR TIME | Powerful Motivational speech 2021

 THIS IS YOUR TIME | Powerful Motivational speech 2021

but it's hard to let go of what you've been holding on to for so long even if it's not working anymore it's really hard to let go it's like beg you see it differently i beg you to let go it's not normal it's just old

it's time to drop it and move forward you may be a product of your past but you don't have to be a prisoner of your past everything that's inflexible and everything that's not ready everything that's backwards and everything that's negative everything that's carnal and everything that's holding me back i refuse to take it over into another year and waste another new year with an old mind the devil is a lie just because you're used to it doesn't make it normal some of you you are taking too much time trying to convince people to love you that do not matter tolerating and trying to get people engaged that don't matter that don't care that are never ever going to help you get into your destiny i came to preach to somebody who everybody else might have given up on you and life might not be where you wanted to be and you might not have been what you could have been but it's not too late to become who you are every single time i hear about an issue every single time i hear another story of pain every single time i see a seemingly impossible situation i smile riley because i know by the grace of god and by his power i have a testimony come on it is never too late kiss that wrong self-image goodbye victory starts in your thinking abundance it starts in our mind you can't think the same way and expect different results start embracing who god says you are i want to tell you something today the moment you make up your mind to get up you can get up and no devil in hell no government no power no boss or anything else can hold you once you are free in your mind you are free i've seen god open doors i've watched god make my enemies my footstool i've seen god make a way out of nowhere i've seen people who are against me that god made them love me i saw circumstances that should have taken me out but god stepped in right on time i know for myself that's what he's done for me many things we don't do because in fact we want people to like us there's some necessary losses in life when you decide acting in your best interest you're going to lose some friends everybody's not going to approve of you there's some people that won't like you who do you think you are you're arrogant what do you think you can do you're selfish thanks i got that poor thinking habits keeps most people poor not poor working habits most people work hard but they don't think hard the mind is like a factory a mental factory and whatever you think about all day long pours ingredients into this mental factory and that's what builds the economic social financial fabric of your life as you think so you become program your mind because all that you will do or not do have or not have accomplished or not accomplished will be a direct derivative of what's going on inside of your mind so if you don't get clear thinking on an issue you won't be able to develop in that area look at somebody says time for change well what stops us what stops us from making the changes that we need in our behavior and our situation it's it's the mind if you keep doing what you've been doing you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting so if you're at a place in your life and you ain't happy with it you have to change some things but you have to make a conscientious decision that you're going to change and it's not dependent on anybody else it don't matter what your mama think it don't matter what your co-workers think it don't matter what your siblings think it don't matter this decision is yours and yours alone people want to know how to stop the laziness and they want to know how to stop the procrastination they have some idea in their head some kind of a vision of what they want to do but they don't know where to start they don't know where to start it you know they don't know where to start and say they say hey where do i start and when's the best time to start and i have a very simple answer for that here and now nothing that's happened to you is a surprise to god before he laid out the plan for your life he already knew every person who would hurt you every mistake you would make every loss you would go through the good news is for every setback god has already arranged to come back for every disappointment a new beginning for every failure restoration you have to put your foot down and say that's it i may have gone through some disappointments i may have made some mistakes but i'm not going to waste the time i have left worried about what i could have done better upset over what didn't work out i'm stepping out of the was and i'm coming over into the is i'm dropping the offense dropping the failure dropping the hurt i'm not living my life with any more baggage i'm gonna live my life free what are you thankful for do you thank god daily for even little things i thought the other day what it must be like for people that can't walk and have to use a wheelchair just to get out of bed in the middle of night to go to the bathroom and have to do it thank god my legs are still working thank god i can see it here and i can still work thank god that my life is bearing good fruit there's so much to be thankful for and the more thankful we are the happier we get and the matter the devil gets [Applause] one of the best things i've learned is to trust god's timing and trust his ways what god promised will come to pass but it may not happen the way you think may not be when you had planned if you're trying to control the outcome and control the time frame you're going to live worry you have to release control release having to have it happen your way god already has it figured out he knows the end from the beginning god may be giving you more to work with than what you are working with at this time you may have far more things that you can potentially do than what you're doing right now that's why i don't like to hang with low thinking people because they'll make you underutilize what god has given you you need somebody to challenge you that you could be doing more than what you're doing right now you could have more than you have right now and somebody's got to be bold enough to look you in the face and empower you to go into the enemy's camp and take back what he stole from you we find ourselves announcing our standards to our relatives our friends our associates we shout our beliefs and condemn those who believe any differently but then we don't walk the talk we end up acting in a way far different from the beliefs we've shouted this is inconsistent this leads to a loss of credibility among those who watch us and more importantly this leads to a loss of credibility within ourselves the only thing worse than one who is inconsistent in implying their self-imposed disciplines is one who has never considered the need or the value of discipline at all so what kind of courage do you have is your sort of floating between depending on the situation or do you know the difference between right and wrong for your life and you've made up your mind our mind is the control tower of our life all of our decisions are there and the truth is whatever we are today is the result of what we've been thinking about all those years as a man thinking in his heart so is he so if you don't like what's going on around you maybe you should ask yourself the question what am i thinking about what do i think about myself what i think about other people upset because your plans didn't work out it's time to kiss some things goodbye don't bring bitterness into a new year don't bring self-pity a chip on your shoulder that was in your past it doesn't belong in the future you cannot embrace the new things god has in store as long as you're holding on to the old what we think about is really what controls us this is a control tower that everything else is a result of how we think and we can't control everybody else in control of all of our circumstances but we are going to respond to circumstances in one way or the other and so what you have to ask is this what is it that determines what i think this this mind of yours controls everything else in your life [Music] are you satisfied with your life as it is are you is your life giving you what you want if you had your life to live over again could you have done more than what you've done thus far when i asked audiences that most people agree yes i could have done more i know i could have done more i've wasted a lot of valuable time you're going to lose something lose money you can recapture that don't lose time you can't get that back but i think being grateful probably is number one if you've got a job you've got to be grateful say this isn't the greatest job in the world even if it's a transitional job getting you where you want to go you got to be grateful you don't have to love your job or be passionate about your job just passionate about staying steady working hard learning skills doing this job so well that the next one will be even better and taking such good care of this opportunity another one will present itself what's next for me after all of this i don't think that things just happen i believe that they happen just we have a mindset we don't want to be the same coming out of this that you want some radical change that this could be a major defining moment for you a day that turns your life around [Music] if you have an extreme desire to wish to be successful so you can accomplish all you wish to accomplish be as generous as you'd like to be be as strong as you'd like to be and i think if you say you have to find your passion people find that a little bit confusing where would i find it and what could i be passionate about i guess you could start with saying i'm passionate about providing unusual success for myself and for my family then i think the key is to let what you want to accomplish let that grow where at first this is as far as you can see but if you'll do that you can say wow maybe i could multiply by two by three and expand my vision accomplish a lot more  


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