i want you to think of just one person in this very moment that
went through a traumatic life-altering experience and it left them
psychologically handicapped or even physically handicapped i want you to start
thinking about the pain i want you to think about the diminished expectations the
psychological torture the testing of the limitations of the soul i want you to
think about what this person has gone through and i want you to think about how
you were there for them how you were compassionate how you had empathy and you
had understanding but more than that you felt a responsibility to come to their
aid to provide a sense of comfort and refuge i want you to think to yourself
when was the last time you did this for you.
when you have fallen when you have made a mistake the worst thing you can do is criticize yourself at the end of the day life can be very painful we can experience loss and worry and the insomnia of reoccurring heartbreak and hardships it is inevitable it is self-compassion that gives us the power to face our failures to face our fears to face our insecurities to face what we don't like about ourselves and come out on top denial is another form of resistance and only those who are self-compassionate can deal with the problem there's a lot of people walking around today they have unchecked rage unchecked aggression unchecked anxiety fear and security you're going to have to care enough about yourself to face it and find a resolve cure what is curable prevent what is preventable and go on about your day when was the last time you showed yourself a little compassion a little empathy this is not an invitation to become self-absorbed but rather a thought that i want to bring to your attention remember the past but do not live in the past every mistake you have made up until this very moment forgive your self with forgiveness comes freedom and when you are free you are empowered you are positioned to fight for your future if you are going to win the fight for your future then you are going to have to master self-compassion i don't think we really understand the power of self-compassion we all understand that compassion is a characteristic and a distinctive that that really causes us to recognize the urgency to assist when someone is in need compassion motivates us to get involved when we see somebody that is facing adversity conflict hardship it makes us sensitive to what others are going through this is what compassion does it makes us care at such a profound level that we are filled with an overwhelming desire to make a difference i mean this is the power of compassion compassion is one of the bridges to the future compassion is a part of the recipe for breakthrough if you want to experience breakthrough relationally socially even politically you're going to need compassion we know this compassion makes us accept responsibility that we never thought we could handle compassion makes us better people than we could have ever dreamed we'd be it makes us exist at our highest level compassion causes us to get creative on behalf of others when they are facing giants when they are facing adversity this is what compassion does and i'm gonna tell you this it's easy to be compassionate on others it's easy to believe for others it's easy to pump somebody else up it's easy to listen to a motivational video that says be great work harder don't give up you can do it wake up early go to bed late you know remember your why never sleep in greatness is upon you do your best you know it's easy for us to listen to this but there's a disconnect with with receiving the information and then applying the information so our application muscle is off and the reason why it's off is because the self-compassion is non-existent or it's so low that we are only motivated for a week or a day or a moment but if you want the future if you want to win the fight for the future if you want it all you want to fulfill then you're going to need self-compassion you got to treat yourself with the exact same kindness care and concern that you have for your best friend i want you to take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of that piece of paper on the left side i want you to write down everything that proceeds out of my mouth that resonates with you i don't care if you have to pause this video a million times do this if you want results on the right side of that paper i want you to write down questions that you might have i want you to write down this internal conversation that you've been having with yourself so if i say number one number one rule for self-compassion is to kill the inner critic you need to ask yourself is my self-criticism crippling my ability to be self-compassionate most people generally try to hide their shortcomings in order to maintain positive self-image so they get real busy and they have all this unchecked insecurity and anxiety and they have all this unchecked self-sabotaging belief about themselves let me tell you something right now busyness is artificial significance when you have compassion on yourself then you have a strong desire to come to your own aid to encourage yourself to get down to the root of the problem and face what it is that you were attempting to run from if you love yourself then you're going to get in the mirror and you're going to face the adversity face the conflict embrace rather than avoid challenges and you don't give up on yourself do not give up on yourself when you find yourself criticizing yourself negatively comparing yourself to others try to find inspiration in their successes and strengths instead of feeling threatened oftentimes we privately criticize because we are publicly comparing ourselves to other people i want you to ask yourself the question am i generally optimistic over every facet of my life do i expect the best of health for myself when i am discouraged and indulging in a form of self-pity do i look at problems as potential opportunities do i praise or do i criticize if you're going to have a high quality of self-compassion then you're going to have to wake up every single day with the mind that is fully persuaded that you are an incurable optimist and you're going to see every challenge as an opportunity you've got to be an incurable optimist you've got to see the light at the end of every tunnel you have to see the glass half full instead of half empty and even if there's nothing in the glass you have to see that emptiness as an opportunity to build something you've never seen they say that which you fear or expect will most likely come to pass the body manifests what the mind harbors and is a fine line between self-compassion and self-absorbed that you see yourself every day i wanted to start expecting the best as a way of life if you're going to win the war for your future then you are going to have to master the muscle of self-compassion.
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