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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s

WAKE UP AND OUTWORK THEM ALL! - One of the BEST Motivational Speech Videos of ALL TIME! (Success) HD

 WAKE UP AND OUTWORK THEM ALL! - One of the BEST Motivational Speech Videos of ALL TIME! (Success) HD

if you keep hitting this wall enough times i will see that you will not stop that you are filled with that level of determination faith and courage and then the door opens and you get to that next level then i'll tell you what changed my whole life when i finally discovered it's all risky

 if you think trying is risky wait till they hand you the bill for not trying i'll tell you how risky life is you're not going to get out alive well if that's the way it's going to work out let's give it a go right that's what it's for give it a go enrich your lives go down these weird rabbit holes when a friend invites you to do something super weird say yes go try it that's how you're going to find this stuff reflecting inward but that isn't the first step the first step is encountering then you can reflect you ask yourself instead of telling yourself you know what is it that i could do to set things more right today that i would actually do then you can go do it and then you you put the world together a little more when you do that and that spreads out but you also put your you also construct yourself into something that's better able to call order forth from chaos and that makes you just incrementally stronger and then the next day you can maybe take on a slightly larger task and at some point instead of just having to fix things up that are not good you'll start to get a glimmer of the positive things that you could do that would actually constitute a vision and and i realized that the best things that you're going to create are going to take time build it on cement not sink and sink you're going to get tons and tons and tons of tools here and you're going to want to fast forward your dream is important enough to outlive you if i knew that i'd gotten myself into a bad situation and rather than sit there and beat myself up over it i would say okay you're in a bad situation you got yourself here nobody even blamed you and now instead of beating myself up over the fact that i got myself into that situation i am simply going to say only action matters there is another level the only reason you keep saying there isn't is you feel so exhausted about where you are but life the universe of god is just testing you because there is another level there's a level where all your dreams are realized there's a level that you've always dreamed about it is real it has not gone away but it takes that extra burst when you think there's nothing left there's no way you've tried everything 10 million times and you keep going go get lost go explore go do things that interest you dive deep if you don't know what you want to pursue then don't start pursuing something with all your might it is very okay and so i realized that that you can't google download resiliency you can't google download tenacity you can't google download forgiveness they're some of the best qualities and characteristics that's going to take you a long way that you need to invest time in and energy in an intention in you don't just get patient i realized i realized that as i wanted to develop me i have to be willing to climb and i wanted to get to the top and there's no elevator to the top because i gotta climb to the top we gotta climb i don't have to be in the mood it's my work and i don't have to be motivated and i don't have to have the muse talk to me i simply do this work i chop the wood i carry the water and then maybe it resonates with people or if it doesn't i learn something and i do it again so intention design thinking intentional action if it's a hobby go for it it's for you if it's work it's ultimately for other people [Music] but if you seek to make a change in the world you have to ask three simple questions who is it for who specifically am i seeking to change who specifically am i building this for what's it for and what change am i seeking to make be very clear it's for people who believe this it's for people who want this it's for people who are aligned with this and after you engage with my work you will feel differently or you will act differently that is the work of the creator and we don't want to say any of those things because it puts us on the hook and being on the hook feels uncomfortable and so we wriggle away but i think being on the hook is the best place to be it's okay go out discover play bumble around do whatever it takes to begin to discover the things that really give you energy that will serve you incredibly well because feeling alive that's the name of the game outstanding magnificent unstoppable extraordinary not excellent it's a different level it's a level where you are not one of the best you are the best you know what's amazing you only have to be two million years more than everybody else you get everything all of it and it's just two million views above and most excellent people give up because they're exhausted and there's some people go the harder i hit it the more i hit it sooner or later it's going down i'm not stopping this is the beginning this is the beginning of your radical this is the this is the next best step this is the first step and so i just stopped by to let you know you're on the right path and and as you ramp up as you ramp up you're going to have questions you're going to be afraid i do more things afraid now than i do fearless cause the bigger you play the bigger your breakdown got to understand who you're trying to become believe in your ability to get there to become that person to understand to continue to beat yourself up for something in the past is not going to serve you and so for that very reason let it go.


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