M ost of you won't be successful because when you're studying and you get tired, you quit. I'm here to tell you today if you have got somebody came in my office the other day crying. I said look, don't cry to give up, cry to keep going. Don't cry to quit, you already in pain, you already hurt, get a reward from it. Don't go to sleep until you succeed. Listen to me, I'm here to tell you today that you can come here, you can jump up, you can do flips, you can be exciting when we give away money but you'll never be successful until I don't have to give you a dime to do what you do.
You won't be successful until you say I don't need that
money because I got it in here. So, if you want to make six figures you can't just be talking about you want to
make six figures. When you want to
succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful. And when you get to the point where all you want to do
is be successful as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful.
And I'm here to tell you …
Number one, that most of you say, you want to be successful but you don't want it bad, you just kind
of want it. You don't want it badder than you want a party. You don't want it as
much as you want to be cool. Most of you
don't want success as much as you want to sleep. Some of you love to sleep more than you love
success. And I'm here to tell you today, if you're going to be successful you've got to be willing to give up sleep.
You got to be willing to work off for
three hours of sleep, two hours, if you really want to be successful some days you will have to stay up, three
days in a row. Because if you go to sleep you might miss the opportunity to be successful. That's how bad you have got to want it. You have to go days without it. You got to want to be successful so bad that
you forget to eat.
So Emma Smith said this at the end of the commercial. Emma Smith said that all men are created
equal, some work harder in pre-season. I'm saying it again because you might have missed it, all men are created
equal, some work harder in the preseason. So that means that there are
some people who are going to see the professor, going to see the TA and even when the professor says I
don't meet with you, my TA meets with you. you say I don't want to talk to your TA, I don't pay the TA, I pay you to
teach me. So you are gonna have to find some time to meet me. If I
got to meet you at the mall, if I got to meet you at your house you are going to see me.
ALSO READ- school-wont-teach-you-this-neil.html
All men are created equal, some work hard in the preseason. When I went to college, guys were way smarter
than me, 4.0,5.0. They went to the Ivy
League high schools, came to the oak board
from these great high schools. Most of them are not doing what I'm doing. Why?
Because it's not about where you come from, it's about the heart . You come
to a place where you know being smart is
not enough you have got to have a heart .
Number two, I wrote it down I want to make sure you
got it. It says to watch this we
talking about sacrifice now. The most
important thing is this to be able at any moment to sacrifice what you care for, what you will
become. One to be able to listen to me
at any moment some of you can make
sacrifices. When Monday night football is not on, you can make a sacrifice but when the game comes
on for some reason you just attach to it.
But some of you when your
favorite show comes on you, you can leave, you can make sacrifices on Sunday when they're not going on. But when
your favorite show comes on Monday, some of you focus until the phone ring and then you like I have to answer it. If
I don't answer the phone I'm going to
I'm saying to you today that there are some of you, if you
give up your cell phone you would be
successful. But your cell phone is more important to you than your
success. I'm going to say it again, I'm
going to hurt somebody, I'm going to hurt somebody. some of you need to give up your cell phone because the time you
spend on your cell phone could be used for your success. The time you could be using to be successful you're using
on the cell and the cell phone is not
bringing you nothing but a bill. And somebody has told you, you couldn't live without it.
I'm talking about going deep now giving up stuff. Watch what it says, To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we
are for what we could be. I don't do well in math you're right, you never studied.
I'm not good at writing because you have never written before. But I
dare you to fail it, right for a whole
year to see if you can get to the end. I
dare you to fail, I dare you to take that same class over and over. Guys, I dare
you to stop dropping classes like you
soft. Always want to give up, I'm
dropping. why you drop it? I'm so
grateful that the slaves didn't drop and
quit. Say I'm just going to stop, I'm a slave I'm just going to be a
slave. I'm a quit. listen to me the
slaves said, we will live because one day we will become.
Quitting is not the solution, doing whatever it takes gives you success.
So, everyone should say yourself, DON'T QUIT.
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