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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s

I JUST WANTED TO RISE AND RISE.....[Inspiration by William Hollis]

 Many people ask, why do you rise? And I tell them this is why I rise. I rise for those that paved the way before me and gave me belief in the power. If you see me as a giant, it is only because I am standing on their shoulders. I rise because it is my will, my passion, my burning desire, and I can not standstill. I rise because I know that I have a legacy to fulfill. I rise because this is my journey, not just a destination. I rise because I am the creation. I rise because every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year that goes by brings me closer to fulfilling my ultimate obligation.

 I rise because I lead an army of kings and queens and this is the dawning of a new day. I rise because we are many like grains of sand. I rise before I leave but first, I must pave the way. I rise because if anyone can do it, I know I can. I rise because of people like martin Malcolm, Marcus garvey their life for the struggle. I rise because people like Rosaoprah harry and Coretta stood tall in the face of adversity.

 I rise because I have a dream. I rise because I will see that dream fulfilled by any means necessary. I rise because I know that none but ourselves can free our minds from mental slavery. This is why I rise, why do you rise. How bad do you really want it yeah, you talk about it all the time but how bad do you really want it? You see I'm chasing this game, this motivation, the pain that I've seen my whole life. I understand now that they don't want to see us make it they don't want to see a stand on the stage with the big dogs and take a little that money off their table. You see now, they call them millennials disrespectful but that's not true we cried out and we cried out for help but you never came. We cried out and we cried out but you never wiped the tears off our eyes. 

we wanted to be just like you but we grew up and we realized that our idols were just that they're not teachers, they not the water that spreads on the flowers and helps us grow. They're bloodsuckers, they watch us and they look at us like we're dumb, young and we'll never be anything. But, I'm here to tell you that changes and that idol become rivals I play for this buried. My mother for this put my heart and soul into this. I know the feeling, no that's not that fake lying tigers and bears motivation, this that growing up in the slums watching your mom nod on the couch as you go to school. We want more, we want more out of this. 

 If you're not willing to give that to us, we're going to take it because a man is not a man by his age, a man is a man by his experiences. What he goes through, what he fights, though that's what makes a warrior, that's what makes the greatest of all time. I won't end my life in a bottomless pit. I'm a rise and I'm gonna show the world that greatness is obtained by a man that never stopped pushing, never stop chasing. Yeah, they tell us to have patience but what places? when your stomach is growling what places when the bills are due. What's patience when the family that looks up to you and believes in you starts to doubt you. You see, this is a new motivation. this is a real motivation.

 I do this for those kids to bury their mothers before they become a man or woman. I do this for that child that was taken from his household and putting a foster system and that's where he had to learn how to be a man. You see, this life is not daisies and roses. This life is hard but if it wasn't hard, why do we exist? What challenges will we have? you know, some individuals like it easy that I can put on a pedestal for but some of us gotta grind. We gotta do it, we gotta make it happen for ourselves. you see, no we never did it for the money, we did to stop the blood. We did It to stop the pain, we did it to turn the showers into the sunshine.

 We won't stop until our family no longer struggles. We won't stop until we're number one so when you ask the world, who is William Hollis? They're gonna tell you, he represents the blood that was built in those project building. He represents those kids that buried their mother too soon. He represents the underdog the ones that were ignored but were so gifted that they kicked the door down.

Featuring - William Hollis


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