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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



We always look for the right time, right opportunity. But what we miss is we have to act whenever it's necessary. This is why we need to keep in mind that no time will be right because Now is our right time.


So many people are waiting here. You're waiting for things to be perfect. You're  waiting for everyone to get themselves together. You're waiting for someone to invite you into the room.  You're waiting for someone to give you a seat at the table. You're waiting for someone to validate your gift. You're waiting for someone to call your name. You're waiting for someone to give you the opportunity.  You're waiting for everything to line up.  You're waiting for all the situations to come together perfectly and I'm telling you, you cannot wait. You got to start working right now.


Depression is not  waiting for you to get it together. Poverty is not waiting for the perfect moment, for a convenient time to get on you. No no no, poverty will just roll up on you and destroy your entire life. Fear is not waiting, stress is not waiting, your bills are not waiting. And if fear is not going to wait to attack you but you can't wait to attack it. If stress is not waiting to attack you, you can't wait to attack it. Whatever is in your life that's trying to bring you it is not waiting, so you cannot wait. You have got to step up now.

If you're waiting for your degree before you can build a legacy, you're waiting for your father to tell you that he loves you, before you can start building a legacy. You mean you're waiting for there to be perfect peace and our country before you start building your legacy.  Don't waiting for everything to line up before you start working on your legacy.No you can't do that man.  You gotta start working now. You got to start building a legacy now. You got to start taking care of things now. You getting your position now. You gotta get your life together now. You gotta take this thing seriously now. You got to start doing it now.


Now is the time to start building your language. Now it is the time to start teaching and investing in your kids. Now is the time to start piecing your money together and getting yourself out of debt. Now is the time to start pursuing something greater. Now is the time to start building the vision that God put in your heart. Now is the time to start saving up for the home. Now is the time they start making those investments in yourself.

 You cannot wait.  Don't wait for another tape. Don't wait another minute. Don't wait another moment.  Now is your time. How long are you gonna complain about what you don't have? How about? Who didn't do it? Wouldn't take care of humans? Who didn't call you and who are all like killing? what they said?  What they feel cares? what they think? who cares? what they said?  this is not about them, this is about me. This is about what God wants to do in me. This is about the legacy that he wants me to build. This is about the impact he wants to make. Why am I gonna put my legacy to the side  in order to appease a person who doesn't know who I really am?

You gotta get to a place where you  recognize but I'm not just here passing time. I'm not just here, just having fun but I'm here to build a legacy. I'm here to make things happen.  I'm here to change the world. Now is your time.

YOU CAN ALSO READ- dont-quit-by-eric-thomas.html

 when you go to God and ask God to give you a cake. God doesn't give you a  cake. God gives you eggs on Monday. He gives you flour on Tuesday. He gives you milk on Wednesday. He gives you some sugar on Thursday. And you go to God and say hey God, what's up? I ask for some cake and God said look I gave you eggs on Monday, I gave you flour on Tuesday, I  gave you milk on Wednesday, I gave you some sugar on Thursday and you're saying god no I want cake. But, what you don't realize is God did give you a cake but God doesn't give you a finished product. God just gives you the ingredients that you have to work. And when you look at your life right now what you got to realize  is that you don't have a finished product. What you have is ingredients and it is your responsibility to work the ingredients that you have to make the cake that you really want.


Too many people are saying when am I going to get my cake and God has said hey, look what's in your hands? Got enough milk, you got the eggs,  you got the sugar, you got the flour. It's  your responsibility now to mix the  things in your life together to produce the legacy that's really wanted. When it comes to the legacy you have to recognize that you have enough right now to build the legacy that you really want. Oh, I  know you're looking at your life and saying oh this is not much and I know you're looking at everything and you're waiting for something to happen but I  promise right now, you have enough wisdom to build a legacy. Right now you have enough gifting to build a legacy. Right now you have enough relationships to build  legacy. Right now you have enough energy to build a legacy. Right now you have enough money to build a legacy.  And you can't wait around and hope and wait for the day everything comes together.  You have to start building legacy right now.

 As long as you keep thinking you're deficient,  you'll never make any progress and I need you to stop looking at what you don't have and I need you to start looking at what you do have. We all spent time thinking about what we don't have.  oh oh, I wish I had that job, oh I wish I  had that car, oh I wish I had that person/  spouse, oh I wish I had their life but the truth of the matter is you got to stop looking at what you don't have. And you got to start looking at what do you have. What do you have right now? That can help you build the legacy that you want.
Notice I said that you have enough right now to build your legacy.  Let me say it again, you have enough right now to start building your legacy. I say that because we spent so much time building other people's legacy and ignoring our own.  Some of us spent our entire lives making sure that our employer's legacy is good.  Some of us spent our entire lives making sure that a politician's legacy is great. Some of us spent our entire lives making sure our favorite singer, our favorite rapper, that their legacy is good. But you got to get to a place where you recognize that is not just about the celebrity's legacy or the singer's legacy or the politician's legacy. It is about your legacy that your life matters. Your voice matters. Your name matters.

 I think I'm glad that you love  your boss but she's got a legacy the bill, I'm glad that you love all your friends but she can't spend your life building up your friend's legacy and tearing down your own.  Today is the day,  now is the moment, now is the time to start building your legacy.

 I don't know  about you but I lose my keys all the  time, I always lose my keys, and one day I  lost my keys and I started complaining.  Where are my keys? and I remember calling out to my wife.  I said sweety, hey have you seen my keys? she said no. I haven't seen the keys. I said sweetie I need my keys and then my wife said she check your  pockets. now when she said this I was insulted, but you leave check the pockets. why would happen? check my pockets huh?  hey don't shoot don't you think I  would know if I had my keys and you just think I'm dumb. okay? so you'll just stay I don't know anything and guess what I checked one of my inner hidden pockets and guess what happened?  Found out that I have my keys way down deep in my own pocket.

  I started laughing and my wife started laughing and what I realized is that it is possible that you could be looking for something that you already have. It is possible that you are looking for something that's already in your pocket.  It's possible that you are looking for a  relationship that you already have.  I  know you think if I knew her/ I knew him  but keep doing me a favor, can you open  up your own phone contacts and can you  start looking for your phone contact  because you might find that the person  that you need to be linked up to, you already have their number but because  you're not looking in your own pocket  and you're waiting for something to show  up you don't know what you already have in the midst of you right now.

Oh I know you're waiting, you're waiting, you're waiting but what if the knowledge that you need is in your pocket. Yeah, you got enough books on yourself right now to change the world. You keep going to buy new books. What about the old books? What if you already have the knowledge of the information that you need to start the business?  What if  you already have the knowledge of the  information to get over that hurdle? What if you already have the knowledge of the information but because you wait and you are waiting for everything to come together? What if you already have the thing in your pocket right now? what's in your pocket that you're overlooking? What is it that you're searching for? What is it that you're waiting for? Maybe it's already in your pocket.


Go ahead, let them doubt  you. Go ahead, let them overlook you. Go ahead, let them ignore you. Go ahead, let them slam the door on your face. Let them not invite  you because that's the fuel , that's you  need to get in your closet the god to  get in the caves and start working to  get in the time to start moving some stuff. That's exactly what you need because today they may be overlooking you but tomorrow they're gonna need from the legacy that you built. Now is the time to start building your legacy. Now is the moment to start making your impact.



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