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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



Destiny is calling even now. Many of you listening to me have been beautifully equipped to live in a world that no longer exists. But, I want to give you a new word for change and that word is “Evolution”.  You are either going to evolve or expire. See, everything changes.  The economy changes, relationships changes, we change mentally, emotionally and physically.  You are either dying or you are either living. 

Every time you made a change you got hurt. So, this is why when you hear the word change, there is a mental block you cannot change. Because you have equated change with pain. Every time you have changed, you feel pain. You stepped out of one relationship to another and you feel pain. You leave one neighborhood to another and you feel pain. You go from one job to another and you feel the fire of transition. So every time you hear the word change, you see pain. Every time they say it's time to make a difference, every time they say you need to go from this place to that place. All you can see is blood in your eyes or you can feel it's the blood and trauma in your mouth hypnotized by the pain of change.


Evolve your belief system. Change is not pain.  See change as growth, see change as transformation, see change as evolution, see change as necessary, see change as critical, see change as inevitable. The more and more you start to see that change is not paying,  you're going to see a transformation. Your lives can experience the quantum leap because now even though in your childhood you were traumatized,  because of change. Your history is not your destiny. Those of you who will evolve, who are willing to evolve you will inherit the future. Those of you are willing to take everything you do to the next level, you will inherit the future.  It is the individual who was willing to become more.

Change is inevitable and you are either changing for the worse or changing for the better you decide. Change is an invitation to the future. If I can change I can have my future. Another reason why people hate change is because not only do they see change as pain but all they see change is as a failure. It's because every time you've made a change you have failed. You have to start identifying change with a new layer of belief.  People tell me all the time, it's hard to get wealthy, it's hard to grind, it's hard to be focused. How do you even do these speeches? It's hard to stay motivated, It's hard to stay broke, it's hard to stay depressed, it's hard to stay governed by anxiety, it's hard to be in consistency, it's hard not to have daily disciplines, it's hard not to believe in yourself, it's hard to be broke, it's hard to be poor, It's hard, it's all hard. So choose your heart you either go work for it, you'll sit there and let life knock you down and dare you to get back up.


So I see the privilege, I see the moment,  I see change as pleasure,  I see change as transformation, I see  change as evolution, I see change as Beauty,  brilliance as she changed as the future, I see change as necessary. If I don't change there is a generation of  people who are going to be stuck in the  same place. If I don't involve see the marketplace rewards those who have evolved the marketplace rewards those who have become more valuable. You will be rewarded for the plane cry and secret bleed and secret but in public, you'll be rewarded.

If everything you listen to goes over your head, you are going to miss your moment and stay living in the midst of the madness of in possibility the lie somebody lied to you and told you that it was impossible.  every time somebody told me I cannot do something I had a decision that I had to make in order to achieve what they said was impossible. The power is wrapped in the truth and in the power of their perspective. It's wrapped in your capacity your ability to believe in a  dream even if nobody believes in you. Destiny is calling.

FOR MORE MOTIVATIONAL READ:-motivational-talk-by-dr-jessica-houstan


 Your perspective can either become your prison or your passport. It can either arrest you or release you. In 1903 It was the Wright brothers defied the laws of gravity and if you know anything about gravity,  gravity will pull you down and keep you down. It will stop you from the flight, it will stop you in your tracks. If you believe in something, metaphorically speaking gravity will hold you down. It will hold you back and it will dare you to fight. Your perspective can either bring your prison or your plane.

 I don't know about you but today I made the decision to defy the laws of gravity. The first successful heavier-than-air powered aircraft was designed and built by the Wright Brothers. They flew it four times on December 17, 1903, near Kill Devil Hills about four miles. I believe the possibility is destiny and it is fear that keeps us arrested and apprehended by the spirit of impossibility. I'm here to tell you this right now and nobody else is going to tell you this. Impossible is a spirit and you've got to arrest that spirit or it will arrest you. Impossibility is like a soda fountain, the easy way out the path of least resistance because to say something is impossible to give up, to cop-out, to fill your cup of carbonated excuses. It tastes good but it doesn't sit well as it goes down into your system. to remove the two letters is the grit of existence the binding faith of hope to your chest and letting your heartbeat. You got to rewrite the code, you've got to rewrite your script.Calling all  reformers, I'm calling all innovators, I'm  calling all game changes, I'm calling all  world shakers, I'm calling all City  shifters, I'm calling everybody that has  an inkling of faith in themselves, I'm  calling everybody who will inherit the future.

 We're going to rewrite the code in our soul because it's a matter of the soul, it's a matter of the whole people that have a will to win are the ones who win. These are the people that see the future, these are the people that see not where the hockey puck is but they see with a hockey puck is going that's the type of person that we all need to evolve to become. I learned years ago that the difference between people that get things done and people that do not is sheer willpower. Out of all the motivational speeches, you have heard, how much of it have you retained and applied to your life. Because understanding the power and the difference between what is impossible and what is possible it all comes back to your perspective and your capacity. If your why is big enough then your will be powerful enough to persevere through the how.

ALSO ;- i-just-wanted-to-rise-and-rise



You're not looking for resources when you have a will, you become resourceful and that's the difference between people that see this thing as possible and people that do not.  It comes down to one thing and that is your will. So you don't want it bad enough that's why you can't get it done and so the how intimidates you and the boxes of the ones you in we're more concerned about collaboration than character. I think we need to come back to a place where we are examining ourselves as an individual before our people. we make the people better when we deal with the person you got to deal with you it's always going to be impossible to you if you don't see the power of your will and the power of your why. 

-Marcus Taylor


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