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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



You might be suffering, struggling with depression, and negativity. We are here with another dose of motivation by COACH PAIN and WALTER BOND, a motivational speaker. "Rise" is to lift you up. 


You are battered, broken, and depleted. Some of you have been abandoned. Your greatest opponent is an enemy you cannot see. But you can feel, you can feel that abandonment.  You can feel that agony, that anguish. You can feel that anger. You can feel the confusion. You can feel the laziness, the deceitfulness, the depression. You can feel the garbage of guilt and fear. You can feel the dysfunction. You can feel it that is the enemy, the battle, the fight for the future, the fight to rise. This is in your head, it's all in your head.

 Now it's the moment to capture the vision. Let me tell you something here's what success is all about?  You need these  three things,

 skillset, mindset, and opportunity.

Skillset,  mindset, and opportunity. You need to rise up and understand what success is all about? Skillset, work on your skills. The mindset,  work on your mentality and your opportunity will come. Trust me. Your opportunity comes,  you better be ready. Your opportunity hits, you better respond. All the work you put in, all the grind you put in when your opportunity shows up you gonna be ready. Because hard work pays. Let me tell you something hard work will pay you off. 

When you feel that you don't have the oxygen, and you feel like you're about to give up when you feel like you about to die, resurrect yourself. You just rise. Continue to move, continue to believe, continue to fight hard. And don't give up.  You are not dead yet.  Maybe you are tired  but you are not dead. You may be broken but you are not dead. You may be weary but you're not dead. You have an opportunity to rise above what happened to you. I need you to make sure you understand the process and the process means you gotta follow through.  You got to rise up, you got the start,  we gotta finish. You got to rise up. You gotta start, you gotta finish. We gotta rise up now. Its time to get your bounce back. Build your business. build your future. I don't care who did not invest in you, go after it. If nobody sticks their hand out to pick you up  get yourself up and rise.


  You have something yet to do in this world don't worry about it. Trust in it.  Believe in it.  Rise.

you have something yet to do in this world. Don’t worry about it. Trust in it.  Believe in it. Rise.

There's a glass ceiling over your head, its got garbage on it, like guilt and helplessness and hopelessness and in hurt let me tell you this, life will keep you locked away in a glass coffin and dare you to shatter that glass.  Everything changes today. Some of you are still trying to process what is happening in our world our economy the riots, the protesting, the earthquakes, the pestilence, the viruses the racism, the climate shifting,  it's a lot, and you have been intoxicated by the pain of your past. I tell people all the time it starts in your head.  There are going to be those dark times. And a  lot of things are gonna try to hold you down and keep you down. But you've got to continue to rise. You've got to continue to believe.

A warrior is an average person who laser-like focus. Don't even worry about your ability, don't you worry about the opportunity. I need you to be a warrior right now and let your work get your opportunity, let your work get your praise, let your work open up doors, let your working people pay attention, let your work get the whole world to notice,  you got to work.  Stop thinking, stop procrastinating. And you got work I need you to rise up to fulfill your dreams rise up and attack the goals.  There's no time to sleep, no time to nap, no time to waste,  if you fall asleep, wake up and rise up again.  You should work so hard that you  collapse in the bed at night,  sometimes  in the afternoon, you so weary  from grinding  your body just collapses.

That’s okay. Have sweet sleep. But when you wake up  grind again.


Now is your time. Now is your season.  I'm here to rise. I came here to conquer. Fear is not bigger than your purpose. Insecurity is not bigger than your purpose. Your purpose is everything.  If the oxygen is running out if you feel like you are about to fall down, Resurrect yourself and get back up to keep flying up higher. Doesn’t matter where you are, whatever your story is, you can change the story. Rise when you think you can’t carry on. Rise from your mistakes and failures, rise, and fight. Rise and make a difference.

When others can't get up, you find a way to get up. Rise.

You heard this a million times, but the cemetery is full of potential. And that’s true. Because that person didn’t do what they needed to do through the dash.

Dealing with agony and anger and anxiousness and you are ashamed. If you want your future, you got to heal.  You keep trying to win. And you're wounded because you have not confronted the dysfunction, the embarrassment, the emptiness, the insecurity, the jealousy, the laziness, the loneliness.


One of your superpowers is a mind. One that is fully persuaded to get it done every single day. No matter the task. I know it's gonna be hard, I know it's gonna be ups, I know it's going to be downs. You got to rise up. You got to stay committed because a shark never stops moving or it dies. I need you to become the CEO of you. Yes, fear is going to come. Yes, challenges are going to come. Yes, you're gonna feel that you can't carry on but you must continue to rise. You must continue to have faith,  you must grow those wings and you must soar above and beyond the heavens. You must continue to rise.

 We need you to  become a light in the midst of darkness. This world's gone crazy. This world needs you to rise up. this world needs your dream.  This world needs you to achieve everything you've got on the inside of you.  This world needs you to be you. But in order for you to be you, we got to have you to rise up. I will be resilient.  I will rewire my thinking. I will emerge. I will evolve. I will be immune to the possibility.  I will be immune to the pain that is attached to my purpose. I will not be stagnant. I will not stay stuck in the mud that you left me in here. I will evolve. I will rise. When others think you can’t carry on, rise away from the excuses. Rise away from the substitutions. You left me for dead. You buried my face into the ground.  Did you think I would stay there? I must rise.  This is for my future. This is for my children. This is for my destiny. This is for my legacy. There is no pain that is bigger than my purpose. I will rise.

Don’t you quit on yourself. Keep believing. Keep going on. I will rise.


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