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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s




I’m tired of playing defense on the faith journey, I’m tired of being afraid, I’m tired of apologizing. do you ever just get tired of reacting to the devil and his schemes? I want to be somebody who's directing I want to be somebody who's leading I don't want his threats to dictate one step that I take.

So many of us we tiptoe through life to simply arrive safely at death. it is a fact that you will die the question today is will you ever actually live?

 Is there anybody in this building that's tired of being discontent? and you want to be able to say if I get my way I’m going to be happy if I don't get my way I’m gonna be happy. I’m not gonna let my circumstances control my moods. I am content and emotionally stable, that is my goal to be content and emotionally stable.

 It doesn't take much faith to give God glory when all your bills are paid. you don't have to be real strong when everything is well in your life. but when the bottom falls out when sickness comes when trials and difficulties come, when your health starts to fail, when your children break your heart, when difficulties tough times hard days long nights, it is then that your faith kicks in to let you know that he's a very present health in the time of trouble.

 maybe you're unhappy right now with your current job, maybe you're unhappy with your health, or maybe you're unhappy with the season of life you find yourself in, has it ever occurred to you that you are not thereby coincidence but rather you are there by providence? has it ever occurred to you that God has a plan that he's putting the puzzle together and that you must recognize regardless of the season I am here for such a time as this.

 see there's a reason for your season there's purpose in your pain there is a design in the disaster, there's hope in the hurt, there's life even after death, I think it's time for a turnaround.

 Because crying and complaining is not going to stop the trial. murmuring and groaning is not going to stop the trial. and the purpose is that God wants to work out in our lives may include trials, setbacks, heartbreak. it may mean that you have to stay sick a while it may mean that you have to go through it a while, you're not going to come through it yet because god has his mighty hand on you. and that hand on your life is so powerful to get purpose out of you.

 And you know what those days are good for us. it's good to go through those days. do not despise the day of small beginnings. and don't complain your way through a small beginning. because if we cannot learn to be thankful for those things trust me you will not be thankful when God gives you more. Because going through the hard times and remaining thankful builds character in us, that we need to remain stable when God gives us more to be responsible for.

 We should have a goal to be the most thankful person on the face of the earth. go through each day thanking God for little things like hot water and a friend. and every convenience that you have do all things without grumbling and fault finding and complaining.

Hold your head up and dry your tears, you have nothing to be ashamed of. if you want to begin to move you've got to clear your mind of all the unnecessary luggage and baggage that's weighing us down. let it go and begin to focus on developing myself. and I say to you you're going to have people to do things to you, things are going to happen to you, and the most important thing to do is to harness your will and let it go and move so you can grow.

 So you can get on with your life it doesn't matter about what happens to you what matters is what are you going to do about it.

Every other voice may be negative, telling you how you're not going to get better, you feel alone, isolated. means you're in the wrong stadium the enemy has a stadium filled with accusers discouragers don't go there. that's the opponent stadium your game is being played on the home field. everyone in these stands is pulling for you.

 Your life is a seed. the seed has to be coupled with a healthy environment. the seed has to go into the soil it has to be healthy soil, the seed needs water, the seed needs sunlight. see you and i are the same thing we're a seed we have to connect it to a community of people that are healthy and vibrant and believe the best really is in store for us.

 because you're kind of saying I’m over it, but if you would share your calling the moment you say I’m over it you would have somebody else walk up to you and say wait a minute let me just shed some light onto that dark area so that you can grow again. you're not quitting today, you're not quitting tomorrow, you're gonna run this race of faith and you're not gonna give up.

 So as you begin to look at life as you begin to look at the things you want to do, decide that you're going to become the active force in your life. decide that you're not going to go through life feeling like a victim. decide that when things become challenging that you're not going to personalize it that you're going to look at it and you do whatever you must do in order to work things out and learn from it that's the key.

 You will always be faced with a series of god-ordained opportunities brilliantly disguised as problems and challenges.

We all have things that come against us and try to keep us from our destiny. most of what we struggle with didn't start with us. it was passed down. things like depression, anger, divorce studies show how that can get passed from generation to generation.

 If your mother was depressed there's a good chance you'll have to deal with depression just like a lady that's on drugs and gives birth to a baby. that baby can have the same addiction as the mother. there's no fault of the babies it's just life. what you're dealing with may not have started with you but it can stop with you.

 God wants to give you rest from those enemies. as long as we accept dysfunction as the norm it will never change. if you see that depression that lack and struggle as your lot in life you'll not only get stuck but you'll pass it on to the next generation.

You’ve got to get the word happiness is something you design. happiness is a study, happiness is a practice, happiness is an art. it's not an accident, it's an art and anybody that wants to can study, practice the art .happy living happiness is like culture money doesn't make you cultured but culture is within the grasp of all of us all you have to be is committed to it and make it a study culture is a study sophistication is a study it's not an amount it's not an account it's a study money doesn't make you sophisticated.

 only study and practice makes you sophisticated only study and practice makes you culture and only study and practice makes you happy studying practice makes you rich key phrase don't be lazy and learning.

 One how to do well next how to live well don't be lazy in learning and practicing the art of economics. And practicing the art of lifestyle.

 As long as you accept the dysfunction and even when god sends you a way out you'll talk to yourself out of it. You think it's normal to live depressed, addicted, angry, lonely. this is a new day you may have been ruled by those things for years. They may have been passed down by previous generations but that is not your destiny.

 What’s limited you in the past doesn't have to limit you in the future. you can rise out of lack, struggle, not having enough you have seeds of greatness. you were created to lend and not borrow. you can be free from depression, low self-esteem, insecurity, don't let limited thinking keep you from your destiny.

 There’s some things that you can accomplish that you can't see right now. my favorite book says eye has not seen ear has not heard nor's enter the heart of mankind what God has in store for you. when you're willing to say yes when you're willing to move forward life will respond to you.

 Mindset transformation is very important. be not conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind you don't want to think like everybody else you want uncommon thinking. expand your skill sets.

 You just got to go through exercises like this take the notes to work hard, roll up your sleeves go to work, gather the knowledge in journals, gather the knowledge and notebooks gather the knowledge in a library, and don't be lazy and learning.

 your feelings don't matter you may feel like doing something maybe you don't feel like doing something doesn't matter get out there and do what you're supposed to do. whether you feel like it or not.



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