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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



Do you have the courage to think? because if you can think you can change, you can move, you can evolve, you can grow, you can become. you are one idea away your credit is not a problem your house is not a problem your car is not a problem your situation is not a problem your thoughts are the problem. as a man thinks of it as hard so is he.

if you think little you go little if you think weak you go weak if you think up you go up one thought slap yourself in the head one thought that's how close you are. so now is the season for you to move distractions, confusion, turmoil out of the way to find a peaceful place where you can meditate and think what am I going to do at this season in my life? what am I going to do with this age and stay? what could I do with the circumstances in my life? what would you do with what you have to make it better?

 one thought if god whispers in your ear once every 10 years it will change the last half of your life he doesn't have to say something to you every day it'll take you 10 years to work out what he said one time in your life you are one thought away.

 god thought I'll make me a world he spoke.

 if you think wrong you go wrong, if you think down you go down, if you think you can't get up, you can't get up if you think you can't be free. if you think you can't learn anymore you'll never be able to learn your thoughts are either bragging you down or taking you up it is not what she thinks about me that makes any difference I think she thinks good about me but it does not matter if she did not think good about me it would not have impeded my ability to do what I do. because I am not moving out of her thoughts, I am moving do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

 so why would I waste my energy trying to change how you think about me when your thoughts have no direct bearing on? you're working on the wrong stuff stop trying to change people's minds let them think whatever they want to think. you don't have time to be a steward over somebody else's thoughts. get your head together or you follow what I’m saying? I want to pray with the thoughts you think the plans you have thoughts, become reality.

 somebody could take the same woman that you said ain't nothing. somebody do you understand what I’m saying to you somebody thought your outfit into existence somebody thought and designed the fabric of your clothes somebody thought the car you dropped what are you thinking?

 you are creative because you were created in the likeness of a creator. you need to be creative to live your life to its fullest potential. because you are a creator god doesn't give you a finished product because you need something to create. so god did not create the telephone, god did not create the computer ,god did not create the automobile, god did not create a chair, he never made not one chair, he made a tree he made steel. he made gold he made air, god is going to give you the wrong stuff to give you something to think about so you look at it and say.

 what can I do with the stuff you gave me? what can I do since you seldom give me finished products you don't make boats you don't make planes you don't make aircraft you just give me raw materials maybe I’m waiting on you to give me something that you have already given me. you're not gonna give me a car you gave me steel, you're not gonna give me electricity you gave me lightning, you gave me waterfalls, and said now look at what I gave you and make something out of it.

 an idea, you are one idea away from what you saw in your dreams, in your prophecies that God spoke over your life you are one idea away. you are not waiting on God, God is waiting on you.

 do you have the courage to believe in your own ideas? I have this stuff in me and I have no place to release it to. because sometimes church people are so spiritual they make me nauseous because they expect God to do everything.

 what dress should I wear lord? what job should I take lord? do you want me to have a brick house or the one-way site? he doesn't care he doesn't care. God doesn't care that's your choice that's short-lived oh god I need somebody who can catch this.

 one thought transforms the alcoholic from alcoholism. it is how you think about yourself. one thought delivers you from hopping around in the failures of your past to standing up like a man and say I’m going to be defined by what's in front of me and not what's behind me. what is behind me will not control me I will break the chain on my yesterday. so that I could fly into my tomorrow.

 my latter-day shall be greater than my former day you will not beat me because I think myself to be strong enough to fight you back off of me.

 when somebody messes with your mind they have messed with your most precious resource. when they mess up your head they have messed up something serious. because out of your head comes your thoughts and out of your thoughts comes your family, your companies, your self-perception,your creativity. and so every now and then you need to come to church so you can get your head together.

 do you have the courage to think something beyond where you are? do you have the courage?

 god says to abraham look out from where you are he says oh man do you have the courage to think beyond the parameters of your present location. he said look out what do you see I see the stars of heaven look out what do you see the sands of the earth he said what you see is what you'll be. so shall thy seed be your children will be what you see. if you see nothing they will be nothing. if you see something they will now if negative words have life to bring you down, positive words have life to pull you. 


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