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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s




Fear, future, events, that aren't real you're basically imaging something that isn't real but yet you're feeling these negative emotions.

 You’re going through these spiral notebooks of your life and you realize this is how I learned this is unbelievable and you realize through hard work you can out outwork anybody.

one can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery over oneself and if that's the game that we're playing, if I can construct my belief system, if I can choose at any moment to believe something that's more empowering than I was believing the moment before, and that that will actually find its way into my actions.

 Number one you suffer because you don't know who you are? You confuse yourself in your body-mind experience.

 Number two you grasp and cling at experiences which are evanescent and transitory and dreamlike. You say what happened to your childhood? It’s over. What happened to yesterday? it's over. what happened to five minutes ago? it's over. what happens to these words by the time you hear them they don't exist we are asleep our life is a dream but once in a while we wake up enough to.

 know that we are dreaming so what do you wake up to that's why it's really important not to think in the past to live in the past to beat yourself up over the past you know I try to completely forget the past live in the present but look forward to the future.

 I think when somebody has a setback that number one, you have to become awake again because a setback can just really put you in a daze. you know what takes place so so many times is that people are they stay in their days and they're not awake. so you have to become awake.

 And number two you have to become aware. so you're awake but now be aware of what's going on around me.

 You got to start diving into those things that you're afraid of you don't gain confidence by going to a spot that makes you feel good it's to be a false reality. and the second life gives you that challenge or what gave you confidence is that happy spot gives you confidence not being afraid it's overcoming the fear.

 Well I do believe that our outer self our body is a manifestation of our inner belief systems the inner image that you have yourself is pretty much what you see on the outside.

 to me, the very fundamental purpose of life is to find out how many skills I can acquire that have utility and then put that utility to the test in service of something greater than myself.

 Nobody will act for the many but people will act for the one.

 We’ve all made decisions maybe, they weren't the best but the only decision you could make at that time. You just got to let go for it you got to completely let go so that when you do come to your end and you meet your maker. If you if you believe in something hard. You just absolutely can have no regret whatsoever things were the way they were. and you just accept yourself for exactly who and what you were.

? This is the biggest question that humans or everybody should be asking who am I whatever am I? The changing experience of this body which is a perceptual activity is I the experience of the changing mind? what is it at the basis of this when you start that reflective self inquiry ask yourself who am I what do I want?what is my purpose? What am I grateful for?

 my cookie jar has every single failure and success of my life. Something I overcame so what happens in this in time of life when you're stressed out and things get bad. Even the hardest guy in the world, I will in my mind reach into my cookie jar and sometimes you forget how hard you are in times of of need. I calm down take that one second get control of my life, reach in the cookie jar reset my mind. you have to remind yourself of how badass you really are.

 There’s a proverb that says he who works his land will have abundance. but if you chase fantasies you lack wisdom. And people say well what your land is? your land is what's in front of you. you got to plant the seed you got to water the seed and then you reap the harvest you got to plow plow plow plow plow plow plow. you're going to plant the right seeds. See every day you got you got negative seeds and positive seeds and and people that are selfish man you just plant negative seeds that are not going to come back positive. so when you plow and plant the right seeds and you water them which is repetition. it doesn't look like it's going to grow all of a sudden man payday is on its way.

a lot of times i'll be in the tours at my run or something like that, and i'm all jacked up. body's broken, mine's broken, spirit's broken. I start to say what if I can pull this off.

 this too shall pass whatever you're feeling whether you're feeling great or whether you're feeling terribly it's going to pass but if truly you could never feel good about yourself ever again why would you want to go on? even serving other people you do it in part because of how beautiful it feels. so helping people understand that that will pass that there will be something beautiful again waiting for them whenever you look at somebody that's been successful do not allow yourself to make them extraordinary at your expense.

 You’re capable of whatever it is that they're capable of.


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