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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s


 WINNERS NEVER GIVE UP-Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Jentenze Franklin

every life form except human beings operates by instinct and the genetic code. it has no multiple choice only humans have multiple choice. in the winter the goose flies south why because he's a goose can't fly north couldn't fly west. if you said to the goose be better to go west this year he ignores that advice keeps on flying south. Why? has no alternative has no other way it is only driven all life form is driven by instinct in the genetic code except human beings.

now why not human beings? because here it is we've been given the dignity of choice. we're not like a robot we're not stuck like a tree using up all the nourishment nothing left now you die because you can't change location not true. humans can go north south east west humans can change do anything they want to do we've been given the dignity.

 but here's what's interesting about all life form except humans. every life form except humans strives to the max of its potential. how tall will a tree grow? as tall as it possibly can you never heard of a tree growing half as high as it could. No, no. that is impossible a tree grows as high as it can drives down every root it can produces every leaf it can extends itself as far as it possibly can every life form extends to the max except human beings.

 now why not human beings? because we're not robots we've been given the dignity of choice. and here's a couple of alternatives on the dignity of choice to be part of or all of. you have the potential to be and you got the choice do a little to make yourself comfortable and forget the rest or do it all and there's nobody here to dictate you got to do it all that's nonsense. you got to be rich because we live in a rich country that's nonsense you don't have to be rich you don't have to do it all you can do a little do some do some more take advice but don't take orders. take information take training take teaching but don't take orders from no one.

 that tells you how you need to live and what you need to own and what you need to do somebody says well you need to be successful that's a personal choice being successful .what we teach is the possibilities the possibilities and everybody chooses take a little take a lot do some do nothing ignore the subject this is why I put this in here.

 you've got to learn to do that here's a good phrase affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion. now here's what else the truth does, first it sets you free to correct old errors in judgment here's what else it does helps you to set up new easy disciplines to turn wrong into right, to turn lack into prosperity, turn skepticism into faith.

 now let me give you the secret now to to creating a hotel. the final secret is discipline. but in order to turn wrong into right we must speak the truth. because only the truth will set you free.

 free to correct an error in judgment. because here's the formula for failure and here's the formula for success. formula for failure number one a few errors in judgment repeated every day .we call that the formula for failure a few errors in judgment repeated every day.

 now why would you repeat an error in judgment the second day reason failure doesn't occur at the end of the first day. if it did it would be helpful because then you wouldn't do that anymore.

 but errors in judgment are so subtle because they don't usually show their results until for a while. but a few errors in judgment repeated every day every day every day and sure enough you're way off course.

 now here's all you got to do to turn that around a few simple disciplines practiced every day, a few simple disciplines practiced every day,starts to create success.  not at the end of the first day the first day is the end of a new beginning the first day that you started a new track that you started a new direction so we must all speak the truth so affirm the truth yes affirm god is good yes affirmed life is full of possibilities yes affirm all the truthful possibilities. but you don't need to try to trick yourself into saying something is okay when it isn't okay.

 some people say every day in every way I’m getting better and better and if that's not true see that that we call that delusion. if it's not true if it is true then it's wonderful it's fabulous we should celebrate. but if it's not true every day in every way I’m getting better and better see if that's not true, then it is an affirmation that's destructive so just affirm the truth the truth is I lack some skills to multiply my income by 10 which I wish to do in the future.

 I need to learn the skills affirm that you don't have the skills that it'll drive you to get the skills because you want to multiply your income by 10. yes it is true all things are possible to the believer. it is true errors in judgment lead to devastation .we don't just need the truth we need the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

 here's what we don't need delusion. you don't need delusion in order to try to make something out of nothing. all you need is this simple little formula to imagine. because imagination is so powerful it's the beginning of creating all things that we see.

 then faith to believe it's possible. it says what with faith everything's possible without faith nothing is possible. so it's a good study to make creating faith to believe it's possible. but now we deposit faith and imagination into muscle, into discipline.

 michelangelo was a genius but it wasn't his genius that created this famous sculpture. but his genius was so strong and he believed in it so thoroughly that he picked up the chisel and the hammer and it was the muscle and the chisel and the hammer that created the sculpture. and without the discipline there would be no sculpture.

 but if you take your genius if you take your ideas, and your inspiration, and your excitement and translate it into muscle. if you want good health you can study every book there is and you can believe that it's possible to be healthy but until you fall on the floor and start doing the push-ups until you jog around the block. Right?

 and still you start working on your good health working and laboring labor pains we call it. you know I I’m short on personal experience on that. but the mothers in the room will tell us what it's a unique experience. but why would an upcoming potential mother be willing to put herself through rather painful experience of giving birth? here's why, it creates new life.

 so add this to your repertoire of good ideas new life only comes from labor now some people try to create it with affirmation but that doesn't work.

 new life only comes from labor. that's why we should devote most of our time to labor because it's the miracle creator.

 the fear of rejection is caused by a hyper concern for the opinions of other people. in william glasser's work on what they call the fully functioning person, he had a wonderful line they said fully functioning people these are the top 10 percent of people never complain and never explain.

 they never defend themselves is they do it or they don't do it but they never feel that they have to explain themselves to anyone else. if someone doesn't like it they say and your point is and they just don't care. and your job is to reach the point where you say I like myself. I like myself I’m responsible for my own life and if someone doesn't like what I do or don't do that's their problem. it's not my problem.

 and if you repeat this to yourself over and over again you can actually reprogram yourself and cancel out and override all the previous programming that's generating these fears that you experience in your adult life.

 I believe in human possibility, human potential and I think that one of our biggest limiting beliefs is the belief have how limited we really are?

 and so my interest is to give people the science to begin to understand how powerful they really are and I think that science really is the language that does that really well. and in the new sciences like quantum physics and neuroplasticity, neuroscience, neuroendocrinology, you know psychoneuroimmunology, the mind-body connection epigenetics all of those sciences point the finger at possibilities so I want to create a language for people from a philosophical or theoretical standpoint for them to begin to understand what's possible?

 but then I want to be able to have those people begin to wire that information in their brain completely because learning is making new connections right in the brain but remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections and it's so much easier to lose our vision than to remember it right so then we have to begin to hardwire the brain or install the neurological hardware in preparation for an experience. so the more people understand what they're doing and why then the how gets easier. so I wanna then set up the conditions in an environment in a in a in a workshop where people can begin to apply or personalize what they learn.

 so that they can have an experience an experience then further enriches the brain .but the prize of an experience is an emotion and once you start feeling unlimited once you start feeling abundant, once you start feeling worthy now you're teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood. so knowledge is for the mind and experiences for the body and people begin to embody the truth of that philosophy. now if they can repeat it over and over again it will become innate in them and become natural second nature become easily begin to master that philosophy.

 so I want people to begin to understand that thoughts are very powerful .feelings drive our thoughts. and that they can begin to create a better life for themselves once they understand some of these principles.

 so lord there's one question I need to ask is it you that's bidding me to come? and jesus gave a three-fold answer that I want to close with. he said three things, number one fear not number two it is I number three be of good cheer.

 and watch this he told him what not to do don't be afraid. he told them who he was it is I. he told them how to go in to the challenge cheer up. get excited.

 it's me there's only one question you need to ask lord what if I don't have enough to pay for it? lord what if what what if I get out there and i'll start sinking? lord what what what if people start talking about me and laughing at me? lord that's not the question there's only one question you need to answer lord is it you?

 have you told me to do this did you tell me to start this business did you tell me to dream this dream did you tell me to marry that person did you tell me to do that's all you've got to ask. and if he told you then the answer is twofold fear not and cheer up.

 because if he said come somebody said well but peter started sinking and you're right he started but he didn't finish. and some of you may be starting to sink but you won't finish sinking because before you look up you'll see one walking on the water coming to see about you and he'll reach down his hand and love will lift you up.

 and he'll say let me show you what we can do together when you trust me without fear. but today I proclaim over your life that in jesus name  you can be free from the fear that has been stopping you from crossing into your destiny and into the plans that god has for your life. how many of you received this this morning?


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