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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



we have to have something that scares us. Right.

 the mother eagle after sitting on eggs protecting it with her life until they hatch. and going out and swimming and attacking prey and bringing back food until they grow. then turns around the same beak that fed them. and the same body that warms him. takes him out to cliffs and throws him over the edge. it is not that she has turned against her children but she knows that they will never find their wings in safety.

 the eaglet learns to fly by confronting its scary place. and it's not even trying to fly, it's falling. and flapping and thinking mama is crazy. [Laughter] i'm calling child protective services. I gotta get out of this but in the process of falling and flapping and falling and flapping and falling and flapping and flapping and flapping and flapping come on flapping and flapping and flapping, that's how you get your wings. when you confront your scary place.

 but what the bible said it didn't say that it didn't say that god has not given us fear it says god has not given us the spirit right of fear the same god that didn't give me the spirit of fear absolutely gave me fear. because fear releases my adrenaline glands.


 it makes me stronger than I would normally be it makes me able to fight or flight based on what the situation is fear keeps me alive when I walk into a strange situation. it lets me know be careful. all of my senses gone is my hearing perks up, my body tenses. and prepares for battle.

 fear is a favor god gives you. he didn't give you the spirit of fear but he gave you fear to get your adrenaline going fear makes you study harder, fear makes you work harder, fear makes you pray harder, fear makes you walk upright.

 when you know that there are so many people hoping you fall fear will make you walk upright fear will make you withstand the test. you need healthy fear, your body triggers off a healthy fear.

 and the problem with us is we don't have anything to scare us. we go to work, we go to church. and we go home. and then we go to work and we go to church and we go home. and then we go to work we go to church and we go home. well my god what do you need faith for to do that right you need faith when you're at the red sea and pharaoh's coming in behind you, and the wind is blowing and they're going to kill you if they catch you at any moment and you're standing and saying oh god what do I do and he said I already gave you everything you needed stretched forth your hand .and you see the waters part hither and the other and both ways they go now you're living now you're alive now you got something to shout about come on now give me a tambourine, be that thing to the glory of god yeah.

 because I gotta work out because I faced the thing I was afraid of glory to god I don't know who i'm talking to today. you need that .you preach better when you've had something scary you have to death.

 eagles fly above the storm they don't read the weather report they don't even care get above it there is a way to get above the storm in your life. you are flying into something you ought to get above. the whole reason jesus allows peter to walk on the water is so that he would have the experience of walking on top of what other people sink into.

 glory to god. can I can I get into this a little bit

 your perception has everything to do with your progression it is easier to fight for stuff than it is to fight for an idea. because the idea of the spirit world is the parent world from which everything physical emanates. it is a spiritual attack that comes against you in spiritual ways. and because you are up under attack in your spirit in your mind, in your emotions, you are lonely.

 all the time no matter who you're around no matter how many people know you you end up alone because you are up under a private battle that you can't talk about.

 i'm talking to people who have a vision and don't have the provision i'm talking to millennials who are tired of sitting on their mama's couch. i'm talking to people who have bought into the myth that because you're 60 something year old and you think your life is over because you got a retirement watch. and yet you are productive and you're bright and you are literally aging and getting stiff because you don't move.

 wow and I am telling you that you can be fruitful in every season of your life yeah i'm telling you that holland sanders was on social security when he started kfc wow that he was in his 60s when he started his business that's amazing and before you go out to the farm and start milking the cow and giving up on life that there's still some value in you and there's still some things you can do with our life and your strength that you can still soar it's not what's happening to you that's hurting you it is the threat of what could happen to you that is stealing every good day you got you can't enjoy the good days because the enemy is threatening you i'm gonna do this or that so you don't get any peace when things are well and you don't get any peace when things are bad because when things are good you're worried about them going bad and when they're bad you're dealing with what bad happened and you haven't had any rest you've had sleep but you haven't had rest you laid down but you didn't go to bed you're tired when you get up you're tired when you go down you are up under attack do you understand what i'm saying to you can I just teach just a few minutes to you this morning he says cover your head the helmet of salvation so you can think clear so you can be creative because you're going to go in the direction of your thoughts remind your head that you're saved see you're saying but you don't feel safe you don't think saved you don't think thoughts of victory and deliverance you're still thinking out of your old nature cover your head with who you are the helmet of salvation not cover your head with who you were that's right your head is covered with who you were and not who you are cover your head with who you are what would a person like who you are do not what would a person like who you were do i'm talking about getting above the storm you eagle stop talking to me about the storm and the recession and what's going on in the economy  


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