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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s

FEAR NOT | God is in Control - 2021 Inspirational & Motivational Video

 FEAR NOT | God is in Control - 2021 Inspirational & Motivational Video

I will fear no evil how appropriate this word is for the times that we're in right now when the bible said that in the last days men's hearts would fail them for fear or the terror would saturate their lives that they would become mesmerized or paralyzed by fear in such a way that they were left helpless to the enemy the scripture says that the enemy goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom he made devour the purpose of the roar of the lion is to paralyze his opponent to terrorize and to leave them

so helpless in fear that that the animals that had the dexterity and the physical flexibility to be able to escape forget to run because they are terrorized by the roaring of the lion the bible said your bible and mine that the enemy goes about it's a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour now if he's seeking whom he may devour there has to be someone that he cannot devour if life roars at you and you respond in utter terror and fear and forget who you are and forget whose you are and forget what god gave you and forget where god brought you from then you become a candidate for the lion's dinner but

 if you will remember who you are and whose you are in the face of the roaring of the lion can't stop them from roaring but refuse to be intimidated by the roaring then you can begin to reap to re-evaluate where you stand now now now we must admit regardless of how much faith we have there are some things that shake you up there are some things that get next to you there are some things that concern you and there's a difference between being concerned and being petrified there's a difference between being careful and being intimidated that the difference between being cautious and and and being negative and and and being paranoid and being where you are about fear bindings we don't have to lock you in the house if you if you develop a phobia you're not coming out anyway without anybody handcuffing you your fear limits you fear can stop you from being able to do what you could do and while our nation discusses the complexities of of of a war on terrorism you must ask the church understand that if we are really going to declare war on terrorism this is not this is not about aircraft or or guns or bullets because fear is a spirit

 you cannot shoot a spirit oh you don't hear me you can't blow up a spirit every one of you has got to decide are you going to live your life in terror because the devil thrives off of fear like god moves off of faith oh he does things specifically to terrify you in fact the enemy loves publicity [Music] i'm from the old school and in the old school when when we would deal with demonic spirits that they wouldn't allow demonic spirits to take over a service you just you just couldn't come in and take over the service because the enemy thrives off of publicity he wants to show and that's why whenever the enemy does anything against you he will always make sure you hear about it you asked job every time there was a disaster there was always somebody to come tell him what happened because the enemy wants you to be terrified when you hear what happened and then it's funny no matter who talks about you and who's fighting you who's trying to kill you there will always be somebody who brings my child i hate to call you with this and the reason they got to deliver it to you because worse than what the event is is the terror that rises up against you the threat of the enemy the complexities of his attack as he leaves you paralyzed with fear

 because he's seeking whom he may divide now the lord was honest and open when he talks about the church he doesn't call us giraffes he doesn't call us elephants he doesn't call us zebras he calls us sheep i don't i don't really like the metaphor i would have rather been another animal i would rather been a good sale because at least i could run you know i would have rather been a lion because at least i could bite but he calls us sheep sheep are vulnerable they are intimidated they they they don't have many teeth they they they can't shoe well they can't thin for themselves well they don't even think straight the shepherd said i send you out as sheep amongst wolves that's who jesus is he's the shepherd he said i am the good shepherd i am the good shepherd and i send you out like sheep and every so often in the span of your life you will encounter a wolf

every so often whether they come to the air or they come on the job you will encounter the wolves and the lions and the carnivorous attacks of the enemy in your life and whenever you encounter something that comes to raw against you to intimidate you always remember the 23rd song i know you learned it when you were a child for sunday school and you recited it for easter and it was cute and it was fun but you must understand that the 23rd psalm is a lethal weapon in the hands of a believing sheep it's a rock in a sure place it's a nail in the temple of the wicked one the 23rd psalms is powerful stuff [Music] hallelujah it begins with the divine revelation of who god is because i cannot determine who i am if i don't determine who he is if i don't know who he is i'll glorify my enemy and all of my conversation will become about what my enemy is and look what my enemy did and look how many people my enemy killed look what my enemy might do and my enemy might put something in the water and my enemy might put something in the food and my enemy might mess up my job and my enemy might take my husband and my enemy might take my wife and my enemies after my position and you'll spend all of your time talking about your enemy even

when you get on your knees rather than talking about the greatness of god you'll get on your knees and start crying about the greatness of your enemy and god is saying what about me what about me what about me so david said the lord nowhere in the entire complexity of the 23rd psalm do you hear him speak about a wolf or a lion the lord is not lost not used to be not can be not will be not ought to be not i hope he is the lord is my personal possession belonging to me going to work with me riding home with me in the air with me in the boat with me on the bus with me in the sea with me the lord is my i don't know who you got with you but the lord is oh my i'm wrestling with the with the preacher down inside of me that wants to just pick apart every little word in this text i don't have time to pick apart every little word but you know i'm fascinated with the complexities of everyone that the the the god who runs the universe would allow himself to become a personal possession i can understand that i would be his but real grace is that he would be mine.


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