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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



we go through the actions of commitment but we're not really committed we're not really connected we're not really joined because we have no understanding of our responsibility to any relationship i have been working my whole life and what i didn't understand by being determined to chase something by being committed to it and what commitment is commitment to staying true to what you said you were going to do long after the move that you have set it in has left you see people think commitment is saying yes i'll do it on the days when they feel good but i have been committed to everything that i ever started in my life and i never stopped and i never quitted and so by being committed to everything that i started i finished it it built a certain type of spirit it built a certain type of mentality it built a certain type of individual and so now i couldn't quit even if i wanted to i couldn't lay in the bed even if i wanted to i couldn't stop even if i wanted to i had too much sweat equity in my life and everything that i was doing you cannot have relationship without reciprocity you cannot get into a relationship to get and not give and i want you to ask yourself do you give as good as you get add up what you're getting and weigh it against what you're giving and then you will know whether you're really joined to anything because i understood my existence wasn't about me i went for me to read a long time ago i understood the process is more important than the product it wasn't about the outcome for me whether i made it to the nfl or not that was inconsequential in god's plan for my life but i was going to fall in love with that process because i understood by falling in love with that process it was going to turn me into a machine you see a lot of people need things to get motivated a lot of people need a little extra money to get motivated a lot of people need you know whatever the case may be a little bonus to get motivated i don't need anything but breadth of my body in life you see the thing we have to understand about everything that we're a part of first and foremost it's a blessing by god

 and when it's a blessing you can't help but to give everything you got to it my life got saved i got spared my life without commitment you'll never start but more importantly without consistency you'll never finish it's not easy if it was easy there'd be no kerry washington if it was easy there'd be no taraji henson if it were easy there'd be no octavia spencer but not only that if it were easy there'd be no viola davis for easy there'd be no denzel washington so keep working keep striving never give up fall down seven times get up eight ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship yeah people are coming to work they take a job they're not committed to the job they want the check they want to check where everybody wants some money baby but i'm just here for the check that's why it's not going to work for you you don't understand the reciprocity anybody wants some money but if you're not willing to give at least as good as you get it will not last and that's why you can't stay anywhere or work for anybody but you've never been joined to anything so you've had you collect anniversaries you've got a lot of birthdays you've got some plaques on the wall but you've never been the person that you could be because the could be is locked up behind commitment and until you're committed you'll never get the could be because when you start looking at giving your best at all times that's not easy but when you are committing yourself to doing something those are the standards that you set for yourself because that's who you are if you're working on a job where you're miserable they're not paying you what you're worth and you're dissatisfied if you've decided to continue to take a paycheck you owe it to yourself to give it your best effort if you get in the habit of being mediocre or doing just enough to get by you're not hurting anybody but you you're cheating you your whole life in the facade the whole thing is the faith the whole thing in the front and now you're getting older and you'll never get to see what you could have been because the cost of getting the sin in the commitment that you've never been willing to pay you're trying to get somebody to fall in love with the you that you've never discovered yourself the moment that you commit yourself then all unforeseen incidents people things that can happen that are positive begin to come your way and in the in the basically the whole thought was the fact that nothing comes to you until you commit yourself there was a man who was an efficient builder he had worked for years in a large company and had reached the age of retirement his employer asked him to build one more house it was to be his last commission the builder took the job but his heart was not involved he used inferior materials and he failed to see the many things that should have been clear to him had he shown even his normal interest in his work when the house was eventually finished his employer came to him and said the house is yours here's the key it's a present from me the builder immediately regretted that he had not used the best materials and engaged the most capable workers if only he had known that the house was for him have studied half worked half labored and then wonder why i thought i'd be further than i am at days let me tell you why you are not further it is not the devil it is not witches it is not demons and it's your god ain't haters you are not any further than where you are right now because you have never thrown your whole self at anything in your life and you think greatness goes on sale but true quality never goes on sale live each day with integrity don't try and get over in life don't try and cheat see a lot of people like to try and cheat don't try and cheat say well you know this little bit won't count everything counts to be connected to be focused to be committed that is something we don't see anymore you've always been casual and never been committed and some of the most casual people are talented people because talented people will lay on their talents and use their talent as a camouflage to cover up their lack of commitment and because you're talented enough to be able to float by on broken pieces you will fool an indiscriminate eye into thinking that you are committed you're not committed you're just talented you'll never know what you could have been if you would have really committed yourself [Music] you're just talented enough to get over and you faked them out [Music] you've been at 30 or 64 when you were created to be a hundred-fold person i can't be committed to everything i can't join everything i can't be married to a thousand women i can't work a thousand jobs i can't join five churches because i take my commitment too seriously to spread it around loosely it costs too much i see a lot of people now i like that i interest me and intrigue me and i would like to be friends but i don't become friends with them because i understand that real friendship is an investment and there's not any more of me to go around so we will be nice and we'll be casual acquaintances because i understand real friendship is a commitment it means i will be there for you it means i will return your calls it means i've got your back it means that i will emotionally spiritually financially do whatever i can to undergird you and i can't do that with everybody.


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