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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s

I CAN, I WILL, I MUST WIN - Best Motivational Speech 2020

 I CAN, I WILL, I MUST - Best Motivational Speech

but my lesson is this i don't give a ...okay you cannot let a fear of failure or a fear of comparison or a fear of judgment stop you from doing what's going to make you great you cannot succeed without this risk of failure you cannot have a voice without the risk of criticism and you cannot love without the risk of lost you must go out and you must take these risks now fear is going to be a player in your life but you get to decide how much you can spend your whole life imagining ghosts worrying about the pathway to the future but all there will ever be is what's happening here and the decisions we make in this moment which are based in either love or fear so many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality [Music] what we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to ask the universe for it i'm saying i'm the proof that you can ask the universe for it if you get to the top you do it on purpose it takes energy it takes effort everything worthwhile is uphill everything [Music] you have nothing worthwhile in your life that you did not have to climb to get it your dreams they're all uphill your hopes they're all uphill [Music] the relationships that are the most diff dear dear to your heart they're all uphill if you've been successful it's all a pill no one ever nowhere never wrote a book called sliding to success this is a time that you have to look at you you have to learn something new something that that you love and something that you can get training and coaching on from someone who's experienced and trained in that area to accelerate your growth and credibility and development at the moment that you focus in on what you want to do that's when you begin to have energy to do it a distracted person lacks energy and when they get to the thing they need to be focusing in on they don't have the energy to give but when a person says no this is the one thing i'm going to do and they set their mind to it they set their eyes on it and they set their hand to do it all of a sudden energy begins to fill their life why because what you focus on what you concentrate on what you desire to accomplish once your eyes are fixed on that it begins to energize you and you begin to see the possibility of making it happen i decided i wanted something new for myself i wanted something new for my family and i wanted to be able to control my own destiny i don't want to be a volunteer victim we've been conditioned we've been trained for a job things have changed you've got to be an entrepreneur now you want to create something that you can control you want to create and have something that you determine how much you're worth not somebody else determining that and today you have to live life like you mean it this is no time that things have changed we've got to change we've got to change and with a fierceness because that's what it is that the things that that are dramatic and the millions of people that are emboldened and determined to hold you down you've got to be stronger than them and more determined than them you are everything that you need to be that you have everything that you need to have to be the person that you're meant to be and to be the best version of who you're meant to be it may mean that you have to work really hard and it may mean that you have to ask for help but you are perfectly blessed you know you are exactly who you're supposed to be to be joyful in this life so don't be afraid to work hard and don't be afraid to ask for help so you can get there because that's your truth and people will tell you to do what makes you happy but a lot of this has been hard work and i'm not always happy and i don't think you should do this what makes you happy i think you should do what makes you great do it's uncomfortable and scary and hard but pays off in the long run be willing to fail let yourself fail fail in the way in the place where you would want to fail fail pick yourself up and fail again because without this struggle what is your success anyway look as best we know it we have one life in it you have to trust your own voice your own ideas your honesty your vulnerability and through this you will find your way you do not have to be fearless just don't let fear stop live like this as best you can and i guarantee you will look back on a life well lived if you're going to be uncomfortable your reward has to be big so if you're going to be making a change ask yourself why is what i want to achieve so important to me why am i willing to use my new willpower and persistence and why am i willing to go through the discomfort of change why am i willing to listen to the negative talk that i have or the emotion that i have and still do it anyway and if you don't have a big enough reason the first time you have a chance for an excuse you'll take it and that's why people they start on diets and after a day or a week or two weeks they're off to diet or they say i'm not happy my relationship and two weeks later they're back with the same person or they find another person just like the one that they left or people are afraid to leave their jobs because they don't like the discomfort of change the only certain thing in the universe the only constant is change creative visualization is what we're talking about here you the imagery or the image that you have of anything in your life is really like mental behavior it's like going out and practicing if you go out and practice with a basketball shooting free throws over and over again that's physical practice imagery is mental practice it's mental behavior when you have an image that you can succeed at something when you have an image that you can do it rather than that you can't do it when you get into your car and you have an image that you're going to find a parking place rather than that there'll be no place to park so you're not looking for no place to park you will start acting on the image that you have very much like you will start acting on the practice that you have when you're shooting baskets or when you're hitting a forehand or or working on your soup or anything else that you're doing 95 of your life is coming from the subconscious program this is not it's new on a scientific awareness of how this mechanism works but what's interesting is for 400 years the knowledge that you could program somebody and control their lives has been available it was the jesuits who 400 years ago said give me a child until it's seven and i will show you the man most people didn't understand what they were saying and what it is is the first seven years which we now know biologically and scientifically is the program period they knew that 400 years ago and they said if i can get that program in in the first seven years that program will determine the life of that individual i'll show you the man because they will represent the program now the really important part is since every one of us has been programmed the the big issue is so what were those programs because if i ask you so what what program did you get when you were one year old i have no idea i wasn't really there uh in fact you were actually being programmed even before you were born the last trimester of pregnancy you were being programmed i go well this is really critical issue because the first thing i'm telling you is your life is 95 programmed uh and most of that is is really disempowering and of course the first thing i would think is then what are those programs so i could deal with them so i want to make something very easy for you so you don't have to go uh and review your whole life and try to figure out what the programs are save you a lot of time the fact is this you are playing the program 95 of the day meaning your life is a printout of your program so you don't have to go back in time to review that would just actually irritate the system more because every time you review those things that unsettled you when you when you were younger it just reinforces that same pain that you had earlier so going back uh and finding out who did what to who is more than just a waste of time it actually will set you back a matter of fact there's an old phrase that people have heard and it says don't kill the messenger over the message what that means is this don't go back and blame all the people that did this and that and that and that that's irrelevant who they are is irrelevant what's relevant is what program did you walk away with not who did the event but what you learned so now i said okay i've been programmed and i have no idea what the program and i said then look at your life and here's the simple resolution everything in your life that you like and it comes to you is because you have a program to support that that's wonderful that means that's great it's going to come to you because that program is bringing it to you but in contrast this is the one that's important anything you work hard to accomplish anything you struggle over to make it happen anything you put a lot of effort in i want this i'm going to work like crazy i'm going to get this my first question is why are you working so hard and the answer is very simple anything you're struggling to try to accomplish whether it's health or love relationships whatever it is if you're struggling it represents a simple fact your subconscious programming doesn't support that conclusion so the fact is what are my programs look at your struggle and wherever you're struggling the struggle is not because the universe won't provide for you the struggle is an internal job the struggle is you're trying to overcome previous programming that prevents you to go to that destination so the wonderful part about this understanding is you don't have to to review your life you can look right now at this one moment just look in your head and say what are the things that i keep trying to get and they they seem to be elusive i can't get them they're always out of reach i say their their universe is not holding back it's your own invisible subconscious behavior and once you understand where the issues are and you start to really focus on the point that it's not the universe that's providing the trouble it's myself you have the first inclination the first idea the first understanding of how to change your life because now you know exactly what issue is confronting you and again if you understand it's an internal issue the most important part is this you can change the programming you can rewrite your subconscious programs and why is that relevant if you took the wishes and desires of the conscious mind and use that as a program to put the beliefs into the subconscious mind it's the most exciting and liberating thing you can ever do in your life you know why because once it's in the subconscious program 95 of the day without you even thinking about it your mind will take you to that direction and that is your freedom thank you.  


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