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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s

MINDSET IS EVERYTHING - Best Study Motivation for healthy students

 MINDSET IS EVERYTHING - Best Study Motivation for healthy students

the conditions of your mind dictate the conditions of your life it will transform your mindset over the years i have become intrigued and obsessed with the study on one of the most undervalued underrated superpowers that exist in our world today that is the study of the power of the mind i don't think people really understand the power that they possess on a daily basis it's a muscle that only needs to be exercised and once exercised its potential is limitless whether you think you can or you think you can't you're right your mindset is how you set your mind.

and every single day we have a choice to move forward into growth or back into safety so be deliberate only you can change it use it well and it will lead you to accomplish the incredible be deliberate with your mindset believe that you are in control of the outcome if you can see it in your mind if you can believe it in your heart and have the courage to speak it then you can pull it into your reality so many people right now don't realize that our minds play tricks on us have you ever tried to go to sleep at night and your mind has been working overtime have you ever been walking down the street and thinking that someone is behind you our minds play tricks on us unless we make the conscious decision to develop a growth mindset we will be lost and we will be a victim to a mind that has been conditioned to focus on what is wrong to focus on what is missing to focus on what we haven't got where does that change come from because is it enough you want the change you have new goals you have new plans is that enough the secret is to work on your mindset daily work on the way that you see the world otherwise you'll live your whole life seeing the world through someone else's eyes you'll be a creature of circumstance you'll be a victim of your life and not the master of it read books listen to audios like this one start learning about why you do the things that you shouldn't do and why you don't do the things you should it's all because of the way that thing between your ears is white but know this you're in control of rewiring it whenever you make the decision to do so at any moment you can take control back of your life and start creating a life that you deserve not a life that someone else has paved out for you you got to understand that there are going to be many circumstances that will require your full undivided attention you got to go through it to get to it you have to understand it has to be a unique mindset setting a goal and then going beyond it realizing that there's work to be done making sure that all of the strings are attached and make no mistake along the way now it's true that we all make mistakes and we will have many setbacks but there's always room for a comeback to understand this you must realize that you must humble yourself but yet be hungry enough to go after it with everything inside of you everything that is required depends on you having the mindset that regardless of anything that is around you that is surrounding you that is trying to drag you down you must have the mindset must be strong you must be resilient you must be driven and you must be able to take whatever's coming at you you stumble if you fall have the ability to get up and when all of the struggle comes all the bad times all of the dark times come around which they inevitably will you'll be strong enough to take it head-on and it'll make you rather than break you you have greatness inside you let me tell you unlimited potential but you have to train your mind every single day things are going to happen outside of your control all you can control is how you choose to look at situations you can control the information you're letting it here never forget that you can have anything in this life that you want if you're willing to go and get it you gotta have belief [Music] how do you alter your mindset the only path is through new awareness you can receive advice all day long many people do they love being told what to do they're hooked on new books new ideas new lists they learn and learn and learn in all directions except the one that matters most learning about themselves there is no getting around this it's hard to sustain new happiness without new awareness you can go for the run you can have the hard conversation you can eat better food you can wake up early read at night you can do it all but does it make you happier deep down long term that's the metric if it does if you're happier it's because you realize something new about yourself the change was you you recognized why your new habit shifted your outlook it was about challenging your old mindset we started with this idea that now was the time it was the time to do more to do better to create the change and go for it do it if now is the time for change make the change but recognize what you are truly seeking that your body may transform your habits may improve you may learn new ideas but where did the change start what was behind it all it's always your mindset i used to wonder if mindset really mattered i thought that success was all about talent and skill set but i came to realize that someone who is great at what they do can quickly be bypassed by someone who is less talented but more confident no matter how you dissect change in your life your mind was at the start change happens it's you change doesn't happen it's you your mindset defines the outcome deliberately replace those thoughts of hopelessness with motivation deliberately replace those thoughts of defeat with the drive to be better your mindset can deliver you a great life so get to the business of deliberately leading it there because it can't happen any other way.


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