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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s

Eye Opening Interview With Neuroscientist Will Change Your Life 2021- DR CAROLINE LEAF

 Eye Opening Interview With Neuroscientist Will Change Your Life 2021-DR CAROLINE LEAF

our brain constantly changes every second is changing every experience is changing if i pull your brain out your head if i did some brain surgery on you right now which i won't and i hold your brain in my hand it's not going to do anything i can look at it all day long you did nothing in your body will function no genome no genetic activation nothing will happen no genes will switch on but the fact that you are alive and i haven't done that the only reason your brain and jeans are doing anything is because of your thinking feeling and choosing it's firing them up it is the switch on your thinking feeling and choosing switches your genes on we own our thinking feeling and choosing and that's the mind that's the eye factor that's the part that we are not have not done enough research on that

i've spent 30 years myself researching we've got to focus on that because otherwise i can use my brain as an excuse for everything which is the day and age we live in you can't make the relationship work they've got adhd that's why they go they've got to say what that they that's why no that's not why those are those are effects i can be raised in the same household experience the same challenge the same divorce same parents i'm a twin everything could be identical the same experience by 20 years old i can still view the world in a different way than you you've done it from birth you've done it from both totally totally different this is why we see studies of identical twins where you'll have one that's in old age and one gets alzheimer's and one who's still firing up and still going along you know how you perceive things makes your body work for you or against you your mind is moving through your brain your brain builds that perception physically into your brain so you're thinking feeling choosing moment by moment of every day and if you ever take a scenario where i'm constantly seeing a negative so if i have now more than for more than 63 days constantly thought in a certain way i have built a very strong tree in my brain a tree is a thought our thoughts are real things they look like trees they occupy mental real estate they're made of proteins i agree they're 100 they are totally right now you are growing at the speed of 400 billion actions you're converting my words and so the listeners into trees in their brain but now if you've got a habit if you've done something for years and you've thought in a way for years because of an experience because of environment so there's nurture you're born with this wired for lab design we in nurture environment and all the other stuff you described now there's the eye factor the two twins going through life same thing but how they sing it so each experience is now adding more and more layers to my initial call so here i am born but here i am perceiving i may perceive the two twins one perceives a relationship in this way one perceives a situation in this way two different networks built in the brain and as you keep thinking in that certain way so you strengthen whatever you think about the most grows into a toxic that's the pattern i fully see that.

you can train a person very easily to stand back observe their own thinking because it's neuroscience it's how we are designed it's quantum physics it's all of that you can stand back and observe your own thinking and you can show someone can you see that you're being negative can you see that that is um and you can keep so by showing people there's always a way for someone to see it but not everyone will choose to do that so if someone has done something and they've been doing it for more than 63 days they have wired a pattern into their brain like a pathway it looks like a toxic tree that's why i use this it's a real protein to all computers and those computers have been very very established it takes 21 days to build a long-term memory it takes 63 days minimum to build a habit not 21 like we've been told 63. anything after that you're going to expert level so if i have for six years been worrying i'm an expert warrior it doesn't mean that's who i am it's who i've become so i can unbecome it's hard work i'm going to have to do a lot of mind work i'm going to do a lot of mind management to use emotional signals like depression and anxiety and i'm going to have to use that to make to find out what is the cause of why i'm so negative now even a long-term memory can be reconceptualized and that means i'll always remember so let's say for example someone sees the glass half empty and they've just been in that and it's just like ah these people just always going to see the negative first every business meeting they just always see the negative but that person can change they very well they become an expert in being negative but they can actually unwire that they can they can get to the point where it's a lot of work that you've got to go through the pain of doing it which people don't want to in this day and age but you can change that and reverse that process what's the five step so the five steps first of all is gather gather gather that's a big word for embrace acknowledge embrace that you're embrace that you have an gotta accept there's an issue what's the second one second one is you've got to reflect it's a deep reflection it's a process this is the most painful part it's like a surgeon will say my friends i've got a lot of doctor friends and they'll say that they've got to first cut up the patient to heal them so you've got to go through the pain before going to hurt you to heal you so that's a very it's this whole process is hard i'm not lying but it's good and it takes time it's going to take cycles of 21 days so the second process is deep reflection where you are basically trying to track back to um not necessarily back but why am i doing this are you studying your trends you're looking at your trends your patterns so the first thing is to start is to take okay this i'm depressed this is an emotional warning signal my body's got physical warning signals

 so you're embracing the emotional and physical warning signals from the environment and from yourself you're then thinking about these okay so why am i always negative why am i always depressed why am i anxious and as you go through that process of self-reflection you're getting to the point where you're not well you're just trying to find get to it it's there every day it's a little bit to the point where you find okay well maybe this is at the end of 21 days you see oh i'm anxious because i'm actually trying to be a perfectionist i'm trying to control everything in my environment and it's not quite working out or maybe it's because there's a tumor that you've never dealt with the third thing is we've got to genetically process so what we've got to do is we've got to make our brain do stuff you put it right the third process is right when you write you're clearing out a lot of um and when i say right it's like literally throw it on the page because you'll see my my sequence that i've developed you literally spend a minute and a half to two minutes doing each of these

 so you would gather for a minute and a half you would reflect for a minute and a half you would write for a minute and a half and then you would recheck now recheck is a process where you go back and look for your patterns your triggers your your what does this mean so if you think of it i've become aware of something going on i am reflecting why am i feeling i'm starting to get to the root it's only a minute and a half and you must move on you're writing that down maybe a bunch of jumble that you write down your read check looks at your jumble and tries to get some level of order your then you go to you get as you get that level of audience okay what's my little tiny task for today and it may be simple as when i feel this anxiety coming on i'm gonna i'm gonna compartmentalize it and i'm gonna only worry about it tonight at six o'clock but in a minute and a half there's only a little bit of information you've gathered which is the point you must only get a bit every day not everything every day we can't solve it all no more is not built in a day it's little things change over time we try and fix it quick you can't get there it's a process you have to dig it out of your non-conscious it's a deep investigative detective process that you're doing so let's say now that you start seeing

 okay i'm worrying because of this one negative and i'm starting to get a glimpse of well maybe it could be this or maybe so what can i do today as a little activity actively activity active reach and active reach is then if i see that even let's take the worrying thing i just i wake up and i'm worrying i just that's like the day i'm stuck it's getting so i say okay i'm aware that i'm worrying all i've worked out today it's day one i've just worked out that i that i actually never stop worrying so cool what's my active reach i as i worry as that hits me in the in the face i'm going to say okay this worry i can't deal with now i'm going to deal with tonight so now it's six o'clock in the morning i'll deal with it at six o'clock tonight as you go through the day it is that but also what happens is you take the energy away from the worry every thought you build is a real living thing it has energy it's firing energy so if i take this worry toxic and i say okay keep quiet you're in a box i'm not going to deal with you and you discipline yourself not to think about it and by the time six o'clock tonight comes 12 hours later that thing's lost energy back in the 80s i was trained that the brain couldn't change i challenged that i did work with people that had traumatic brain injury like major that had been written off by neurologists and neurosurgeons and through deliberate and intentional building of the brain learning growing the brain studying daily went back to university ended up finishing school getting high grades and this was this kid had been written off as a vegetable and i've seen that happen way too often not just me there's many scientists who have since shown that when you use your mind your brain will change.


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