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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



i remember i had just failed my third exam in a row and i will never forget the moment that a classmate walked up to me and looked me in the eyes and he said that this is the best i will ever be able to do and in that very moment i made a decision greatness would be my new norm

i made that moment the moment of truth for myself many of you have been selling yourself short you've been striving for average because that's all you think you're capable of you're surrounded by average therefore subconsciously you become average but you have the opportunity to experience more you have the opportunity to be someone who is in a constant state of growth might be thinking it's not possible to study any harder than i already am if i can ask for one thing while you're watching this please watch it with an open mind do not set self-imposed limitations on yourself you can't change the past but you can change the future just because you've been getting c grades your whole life it doesn't mean that it has to continue that way i've done it myself i destroyed my self-imposed limitations and stopped studying like a c grade student and started studying like an a grade student in fact i made a whole video on exactly how i transformed my 1.3 gpa into a 4.0 gpa you can watch it by clicking on the pop-out banner above so don't fear the obstacles ask yourself what did you learn from them use adversity to your advantage decide to come out of this better a lot of people have this dream in their head but they don't know how to make it a reality we navigate through life but we don't know how to achieve the dreams we have it's very easy to give advice to that because whatever you're trying to achieve in your life whatever greatness you're trying to achieve it requires the same approach it requires you to level up what you're doing right now and that's why i talk so much about putting in the effort with your studying it's not even about the studying it's about the work ethic and focus that you're growing and nurturing and then once you graduate you use those same skills that you've been priming for years and go laser focused on your chosen path whether it's become a businessman a lawyer a doctor a surgeon an accountant a teacher a nurse a scientist a musician it really doesn't matter the path to becoming great is the same for everyone the best people in any field are those who devote the most hours to it when all their actions within a 24-hour period are explicitly intended to improve their performance so what does that mean for you it means getting at least seven hours of sleep at night to help with your brain functionality and memory retention it means eating healthily and exercising daily to energize your body and reduce stress levels it means setting daily study goals to keep pushing yourself harder and keeping your studying consistent i feel like there's a shift that needs to be made to make people work harder the big one that i realize makes the biggest difference is you're going to die you only get one shot at this you can't just rewind your life and do it again you can't be talking about how you're going to achieve amazing grades next semester but then you don't study on weekends you have complete control over your studying complete control so push yourself harder because no one else will do it for you once you start becoming self-aware and utilizing that winner's mindset you'll start realizing that you are capable of much more than what you're achieving right now once you start growing once your habits start growing once your work ethic starts growing you'll start to see your grades start growing you'll start to see the obstacles as challenges to help you grow stronger you're fully aware of the bridges you need to cross over to significantly improve your grades you know exactly how to make it a reality yet you're navigating through life and you keep missing the bridges to bridge the gap between your performance right now and the grades you are capable of getting be the person that is putting in the work that's putting in the hours that's putting in the study time while everyone else is playing the short-term game dreaming and hoping that everything will work out in the end you're going to be studying when you're in your early 20s this is the time you need to work this is the time you need to get your head down and study while you don't have all the baggage that you're going to have in your late 20s and 30s right now is the time where you can grind at your full potential it's harder for the 30 and 40 year olds that have to go back to university because they wasted their education when they were younger it's harder to be studying full-time when you have a family that you need to feed so if you're lucky enough to be going through your education with no baggage with no kids with no financial responsibilities with nothing dragging you down then take full advantage of it and

 i'll leave you with the words of gary vaynerchuk if you want to be an anomaly you've got to act like one people want all these special things to happen but then they're acting like everyone else they want the phenomenal grades but they're studying just the same amount as everyone else so they achieve the same grades as everyone else and work ethic is the one thing that you have complete control over you don't have control over how well you retain information or how naturally gifted you are at any particular subject but you have complete control over how many hours you study you have complete control over how often you ask your lecturer for help when you get seriously stuck take full control and learn how to love to lose that's how life is we all have losses i love adversity i love the climb i love the chip on my shoulder i love when people are saying i knew it he's not that good i love when my friend gets better grades than me using obstacles and adversity as motivation to study is one of the most powerful things you can do because it transforms negative energy into a positive productive force it's one way how i can now relatively easily study for 14 hours in a day and in one of my newest uploads on my second channel i go through how you too can study for 14 hours a day and stay laser focused just like i can click on the video on the screen it's an important video you're going to want to watch and i'll see you over there  


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