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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s




I want people to understand is okay so if nature only gave you two things to motivate you, pleasure and pain. Why would you eliminate half of them? And so most people think that life's about avoiding the pain. I'm here to tell you right now in a very controlled fashion, it is about really experiencing the pain. relentless. I'm going to make this happen if I have to break myself and I'm not afraid to lean into that. Because I know how powerful it is.


 If someone can make that dream become a reality. That it's possible that you can make your dream become reality. And so as you begin to look at where you want to go. beginning to embrace that it's possible.

 I spent 80 percent of my time focused on the beautiful things in my life. Things I'm grateful for. The beautiful things that I want to bring into existence all of it. twenty 20% of the time I'm in the darkness man.

 Are you procrastinating? Are you invading your own greatness? Are you surrounding yourself with people that can nourish you? Are you challenging yourself? Are you experimenting? Are you learning something different? Is your life an adventure? Or is it boring pain plus reflection equals progress.

ALSO READ- dont-be-afraid-to-fail-key-to-success.html



Are you crafting designing and intentionally creating your life? Or are you just coasting in the passenger seat of your life? which is just dragging you and driving you wherever it's taking you.  and so it's the difference between being the driver or being in the passenger seat. And so to me living intentionally is what allows you to live a life of by design.

You just don't allow it to control your life anymore. So you have your cherished wound. And I have mine in our hearts but don't try to overcome. just make a decision that you're not gonna give another inch. You're forgiving yourself and you give yourself a gift not to carry that anymore.

And that's the thing about when you achieve success, it may not match your picture right. It may not match your vision of what you thought but you've got to be flexible. But once you get there, no matter how old you are you've got to deal with the trappings of success, complacency, arrogance, laziness, and to do that successfully you need people around you to help you, to find your true north.

You have to really face the ruthless reality, the ruthless truth that what you're getting in your life is a direct result of your beliefs. Your beliefs are controlling your thoughts. Your thoughts are controlling your actions. Your actions are controlling what the experience you're getting out in the real world. So back it all the way to the beliefs again. We've got to find out what are the beliefs creating the reality you have to change those beliefs. You're going to have different thoughts. You're going to have different actions. You're going to have different results. It's going to be this domino effect.

 that we truly have influence in our more than our environment. Our environment affects us for sure. It plants seeds and weeds into our life but there is still a choice. And I think even if you feel there isn't a choice, simply by accepting that there is, it means you have a chance to get out of there. When you believe you've exhausted all options, remember this you haven't to.

Stay in touch with those aspects of us that come naturally as children. It is part of the challenge of growing and maturing into adulthood. First and foremost that really helps you hold on to those essential aspects of childhood. Willingness to suspend disbelief, a willingness to believe in yourself a willingness to believe that if you can dream it up, you can get it done.

Be willing to suck because as you're willing to suck, you're actually becoming more creative. You're becoming more daring. You're becoming more experienced. But I'm afraid, guess what? We all get afraid when we want to do something we've never done before. It's called leaving our comfort zone. Our comfort zone feels comfortable because we've been living in it for quite a while.

Is who do i want to be? Who is the person that I need to be that I can love, that I want to love, that I want to give more love to like, what parts of growth are there still available?

 If you literally put your hands on your heart and just go. I am exactly where I need to be. Stop getting lost in the future. You start worrying about the past and you realize that everything you need to learn, everything you read right now to make a change, It's all right now. It's all right here.

Don't freight it. Face it. And when the feelings come up invited in, it's okay. There is no forgiveness without rage. You got to feel that rage. Don't be afraid to rage. The opposite of depression is expression.

 Passion is the antidote to self-doubt. Because when you're in your passion space, you don't have time to have all that negative talk. You're in your passion space. you know, you're leaning forward in the world.

There are things like I'm not good enough, it's not going to work out,

this stuff works for other people. All of these kinds of negative thoughts keep peoples shut down. They don't go for their dreams. They react to life. they kind of crawl through life with no enthusiasm, no sort of energy, and no belief in themselves. Or the possibilities of something better.

That's when you say to yourself, I'm exactly what I need to be. You realize you're not ahead of them. And also you only get ahead of yourself by first being present with yourself.

 I think self-love is all about pushing yourself, not demanding of yourself that you stretch and reach your back.



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