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 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s



I can see your friend saying, why are you wasting your time trying to get out of debt? Why are you wasting your time trying to beat cancer? Why are you wasting your time trying to start a new business during an economic crisis in the world? Here it is, you're trying to accomplish something. Here it is, you're trying to do something. And yet there's some fear right because you've never seen anybody doing it before. You're not sure if you're gonna make it. You're not sure if you can accomplish this thing. You're not sure if this thing can really happen.  And what you really want is to send somebody in first to make sure that the coast is clear.You really want to send somebody in first to make sure that everything is all right.


Well, I've got good news for you. You are that one.  Why would you try to build an art? I can even see maybe people laughing, people saying here goes no. He's out there building, thinking that he's going to build art. This is dumb, doesn't he see the sun is shining? Doesn't he see how great things are? Doesn't he see that there's no need to even have art that big? That doesn't make sense and I can hear people laughing at you. Why are you trying to get a married man? You know nobody gets married in our family. Why are you trying to be a millionaire? Come on, leave that alone ain't nobody trying to be no millionaire in our family. We don't make millions in our family.

 I see people laughing at you and they laugh until that one day where that first drop of rain started falling on their head and I know they were thinking good, God it's raining out here. Yeah, they laughed at you until it started to rain and rain and rain. And then they all wish they had an ark? They wish they had built themselves a boat. They wish they had built themselves something. Can i tell you something? The same thing is getting ready to happen to you. They're laughing now. But it's about to rain. And when it rains they're gonna wish they had a million dollars. When it rains they're gonna wish they had raised their family right. When it rains they're gonna wish they had to finish that degree. When it rains they're gonna wish they had lived a better life. When I trains they're gonna wish they had eaten better and worked out and treated people right and had a 20-year vision. I'm telling you it's going to rain. Build your art.

MORE RAEDS- now-is-your-time-brian-m-bullock.html


You're the one in the family that's got to go first. you're the one in the family that's got to go to college. You got to go get that degree. So that you can come out of school and look at the rest of your family and say hey it's good, it can be done. You are the one that's got to start the business. You got to go in there first so that you can come out and say hey y'all we can all start businesses. This thing can be done. You are the one that's got to start building a legacy. And start living for legacy. So that you can come out and say, hey everybody this thing is good. You're going to be the first. You've been called everybody who's building legacy is called to blaze the trail. It is your responsibility to go ahead of the crowd. Why? Because you've been placed there first as a sign to everybody else that this thing can happen. And i want to challenge you, accept the responsibility.Go ahead and be the first. Go ahead and accept all that comes with being the first. Because you're not just doing it for you, you're doing it for everyone behind you. I challenge you to be the first. That's why you're listening to me right now because you know that deep down on the inside you've been called to be the first.

 Yeah you will be the first doctor in your family. You will be the first lawyer in your family. You will be the first one to have a successful marriage. You will be the one to overcome that addiction. You will be the one to overcome diabetes and beat cancer.You will be the first one to have successful children and to be an amazing parent. You will be the first in your family to overcome that great thing that you thought no one could ever overcome. That's why you're going through so much. That's why it seems like life has so much on your shoulders. but the truth is you've been called to be the first I need you to build. These are your building years. This is not your bitter years. These are your building gears. You’re your building legacy. Yes, you're building something for your children. You're building something for your children's children. You're building something for your wife that's on the way. you're building something for your husband that's on the way. You're building something not just for your first name but your last name. You're building something that's why God puts you in the earth. He didn't put you in the earth just to exist. He puts you on the earth to build something. He puts you on the earth to break something. He puts you on the earth to demolish something. He puts you on the earth to make sure that you produce something. And something that would last. That's why you're here. That's why you're never satisfied. That's why you never quit.  That's why you never give up. Because you've been called to build.


But if you're going to do this you're going to need vision. Yes, you're going to need vision. What is the vision? Vision is the ability to imagine life as you want it to be. Right now you need a vision if you're going to build a legacy if you're going to be the first in your family to accomplish some things if you're going to break the cycles that have been running through your family. You're going to have to have a vision right now. What's your five-year vision?  I said five years but that's not even enough. You need a 10-year vision. You need a 20-year vision. You need the kind of vision that wakes you up in the morning. You need the kind of vision that drives you. You need the kind of vision that slaps you when you feel like getting tired and going to sleep. You need the kind of vision that pushes you when you don't know how you're going to continue.

What's your 20-year vision. I need you to get a vision. I need you to see what the next 10 years looks like. I need you to see what the next five years looks like. I need you to see yourself winning. I know that is difficult right now but your vision said you're gonna win. I know there's a storm that's coming and raging and warring against you. but you got to have a vision that keeps you in the fight even when it feels like you're about to quit. You are the one that's got to get married, you're the one that's got to tell everybody this thing can happen, this thing can be good and part of the reason why there's so much pressure on you is because you know that you are called to be the first. Part of the reason why you carry such weight?  It's because you know you are called to be the first. Thank god for the second and the third and the fourth. Thank god for the last but truth be told you have been placed on this earth to be the first.

There are many of you have a sword in your hand but somebody called it a stick and you need to say this is not a stick, It's a sword. That's not just a book in your hand that's your sword.  That's not just the idea that's your sword. That's not just a dancing gift that's your sword. That's not just a singing gift that's your sword. That's not just a business that's your word.  That's not just you doing whatever can come to your mind that's your sword. You got to know the difference.  Stop letting people tell you that's just a stick. But it's not a stick. That's a sword in your hand and that sword is going to break down giants that sword is going to cut down everything. That's standing in your way,  you got to have your vision and you can't let anybody talk you out of it.

You're gonna have to be the first but just because you've never seen it done before doesn't mean it can't be done. What it means is that you've been picked, you've been called outto go where no one else in your family has ever gone.  And I promise you on the other side being first when you turn around and you see your nephews coming through the path you have set. When you see your auntie and your uncles coming through the blaze the trail that you have blazed,  what you will realize is that the joy of your life was being called to be the first. I challenge you today, don't wait to be second or third going to be the first.

Don't wait to be the last one in. Go ahead and be the first. Because you're the first fruit. There's going to be a reward. God is calling you the seed that he is planting in the earth of that seed is going to reap a harvest of blessings in your life and in your family's life. So I challenge you to go ahead and be the first. Stop waiting, go ahead, and be the first be. The first to make history. Yes, you're about to make history. You're about to do something that your family's never seen, done before because you've been called you've been picked.  You've been picked for legacy now go build.


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