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Showing posts from October, 2020


 REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOR BETTER CAUSE- MOTIVATION FOR YOUTHS some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervousness and mental torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision deciding to decide to act is a major major challenge for all of us at different points in different areas of our lives and there are things that happen to us along the way experiences that we have that prevent us from working through the mental block of acting of doing those things that we know we ought to do and so what i want you to think about is what is there that you know you need to do that you want to do this but for some reason or another you've been holding back for some reason or another you just have not been able to gather your nerves or be able to work through the procrastinating or putting it off or justifying or blaming s


 NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME- BEST MOTIVATION FOR STUDENTS 2020 As you go through the challenges of life and you look at it and embrace whatever comes to you, don't run from it. A step toward it. Don’t try and duck it like most people do. See most people want it easy. see if you easily come easy what easy to go.   so that if there is no value proposition at hand then you have no meaning to justify the difficult conditions of your life. And that's brutally difficult for people.   Turning a want into a crushing need is one of the most useful processes that you can master.   Defeat and failure is the greatest thing that could ever happen to me. Because when you're successful you tend to not learn anything. Failure teaches you your limits, it makes you realize what you did wrong, it shows you what you could do differently.   Our life right now is the sum total of all the decisions we've made up to this point. if you forgot half of what you know half of your expertise, half


 THE PERCEPTION OF FEAR-  MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH every decision that we make and every perception that we form is driven by certain psychological factors. do you know what the biggest driving factor behind the decisions that we make is? it's not a choice or want, it is fear.   it is the most important psychological factor that determines how we react to a situation. we may fear something and will intentionally avoid it out of fear and this is the very tool that people in power have used since ages to control others. what is this fear? how can something so rudimentarily embedded in our brain's evolution be used to control us? fear is just our brain trying to apprehend the results of any of our actions. and then get all tensed up thinking about all the grave outcomes. people with intense anxiety know this type of fear. when someone knows that the results of any action will be bad and they will avoid it at all costs.   fear determines how they feel about a situation. and they w

HAVE FAITH IN GOD- Denzel Washington Inspirational & Motivational Speech

 HAVE FAITH IN GOD- Denzel Washington Inspirational & Motivational Speech Put God first. Put God first in everything you do, everything that you think. You see in me everything that I've accomplished, everything that you think I have and I have a few things, everything that I have is by the grace of God. Understand that, it's a gift. 40 years ago march 27 1975, it was 40 years ago, uh just this past March I was flunking out of college. I had a 1.7-grade point average. I hope none of you can relate, at a 1.7-grade point average. I was sitting in my mother's beauty shop; they still call it beauty shops. now what they call it yeah I sit in the beauty parlor. I was sitting in my mother's beauty parlor and I'm looking in the mirror and I see behind me this woman under the dryer and every time she looked up she every time I looked up she was looking at me, just looking me in the eye.   I didn't know who she was. and I said you know she said somebody give me a


 DON'T LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE- SELF DISCIPLINE  MOTIVATION It’s time for you to recognize the person that you are being not the person that you have to be. It’s time for you to be more motivated than you've ever been in your entire life rather than settling for what you have.   Chances are you didn't wake up one day and think I just want to be a mediocre person; I want to be like everybody else. No, you had a burning desire to learn, grow, and evolve. The problem is that you settled into a world that said it's okay to be comfortable, it's okay to stay where you are. But the fact is if you're staying where you are you're going backward. You see to be motivated means to move through things. The word motivation comes from the Latin of motive. What is your motive for doing what you're doing? Let’s be honest you have goals, you have dreams, you have ambitions.   We all do we are what the Greeks called teleological. We are goal-centered creatures, we need


 STOP GIVING EXCUSES- BEST MOTIVATION OF ALL BY MATT BROWN, ERIC THOMAS, DAVID GOGGINS, JORDAN BELFORT Courage is not the absence of fear, it is moving forward in spite of it. I have to have the courage. let me tell you something most Americans don't have this kind of courage. I have to have the courage to stop making excuses. is this going to be the year you stop making excuses? do you want to get well? do you want your life to change? do you want your finances to be different? do you want your marriage to be different you want to cure cancer I can't? I’m too old I’m too young I’m too fat I’m too thin I can't right I can't. I hear this all the time all the reasons that you can't do something don't tell me you can't don't give me excuses what's the reason you've given yourself why you can't be successful and you can't be better.  Let me tell you something I've learned it's way easier to blame someone else than to get honest with y


 DARE YOURSELF TO THINK- MOTIVATION AND INSPIRATION TD JAKES Do you have the courage to think? because if you can think you can change, you can move, you can evolve, you can grow, you can become. you are one idea away your credit is not a problem your house is not a problem your car is not a problem your situation is not a problem your thoughts are the problem. as a man thinks of it as hard so is he. if you think little you go little if you think weak you go weak if you think up you go up one thought slap yourself in the head one thought that's how close you are. so now is the season for you to move distractions, confusion, turmoil out of the way to find a peaceful place where you can meditate and think what am I going to do at this season in my life? what am I going to do with this age and stay? what could I do with the circumstances in my life? what would you do with what you have to make it better?   one thought if god whispers in your ear once every 10 years it will change th


 ARE YOU TIRED INSIDE? POWERFUL NEW MOTIVATION BY LES BROWN, JOCKO WILLINK, TERRY K ANDERSON, JIM ROHN, JOYCE MEYER. I’m tired of playing defense on the faith journey, I’m tired of being afraid, I’m tired of apologizing. do you ever just get tired of reacting to the devil and his schemes? I want to be somebody who's directing I want to be somebody who's leading I don't want his threats to dictate one step that I take. So many of us we tiptoe through life to simply arrive safely at death. it is a fact that you will die the question today is will you ever actually live?   Is there anybody in this building that's tired of being discontent? and you want to be able to say if I get my way I’m going to be happy if I don't get my way I’m gonna be happy. I’m not gonna let my circumstances control my moods. I am content and emotionally stable, that is my goal to be content and emotionally stable.   It doesn't take much faith to give God glory when all your bills are p


 WINNERS NEVER GIVE UP-Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Jentenze Franklin every life form except human beings operates by instinct and the genetic code. it has no multiple choice only humans have multiple choice. in the winter the goose flies south why because he's a goose can't fly north couldn't fly west. if you said to the goose be better to go west this year he ignores that advice keeps on flying south. Why? has no alternative has no other way it is only driven all life form is driven by instinct in the genetic code except human beings. now why not human beings? because here it is we've been given the dignity of choice. we're not like a robot we're not stuck like a tree using up all the nourishment nothing left now you die because you can't change location not true. humans can go north south east west humans can change do anything they want to do we've been given the dignity.   but here's what's interesting about all life form except humans. every li


 YOU NEED HEALTHY FEAR- TD JAKES INSPIRATION & MOTIVATION we have to have something that scares us. Right.   the mother eagle after sitting on eggs protecting it with her life until they hatch. and going out and swimming and attacking prey and bringing back food until they grow. then turns around the same beak that fed them. and the same body that warms him. takes him out to cliffs and throws him over the edge. it is not that she has turned against her children but she knows that they will never find their wings in safety.   the eaglet learns to fly by confronting its scary place. and it's not even trying to fly, it's falling. and flapping and thinking mama is crazy. [Laughter] i'm calling child protective services. I gotta get out of this but in the process of falling and flapping and falling and flapping and falling and flapping and flapping and flapping and flapping come on flapping and flapping and flapping, that's how you get your wings. when you confront y


 JUST DO IT FOR YOURSELF-BEST MOTIVATION 2020 TOM BILYEU, DAVID GOGGINS, DEEPAK CHOPRA, GARRY VEE Fear, future, events, that aren't real you're basically imaging something that isn't real but yet you're feeling these negative emotions.   You’re going through these spiral notebooks of your life and you realize this is how I learned this is unbelievable and you realize through hard work you can out outwork anybody. one can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery over oneself and if that's the game that we're playing, if I can construct my belief system, if I can choose at any moment to believe something that's more empowering than I was believing the moment before, and that that will actually find its way into my actions.   Number one you suffer because you don't know who you are? You confuse yourself in your body-mind experience.   Number two you grasp and cling at experiences which are evanescent and transitory and dreamlike. You say what h


THIS IS HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE THINK-  TONY ROBBINS, JIM ROHN, MYLES MUNROE success leaves clues in other words if someone is successful not once not twice but continuously they're not lucky there's something they're doing that's making their life extraordinary if someone has lost weight and kept it off for eight years. and they're fit and strong and healthy they did something different than other people they aren't lucky they aren't just born with a great metabolism because they used to be found right.  if somebody has gone from broke to financially wealthy and they've maintained that for 10 or 20 years they aren't lucky they're doing something different instead of ending them or instead of just thinking they're lucky or liking them learn from them.  but who do most of us learn from? whether we know tonight who we spend time with is who we become. and we spend time with people we love people that are friends most of whom came to us by proximi